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In case people aren't clear, here is an example of a prank. It doesn't involve physical assault, theft, or any other illegal activity.

Again, these guys do not understand what a prank is. They keep calling it a prank, but I fail to see what the prank is.

did you really think that was a good comparison when you wrote it?

I strongly suggest learning about the evolution pregnancy and birth. Yes - our bodies were designed to do it and they can do it. But we are one of the most poorly adapted creatures for carrying and delivering children that there are out there, especially among primates (you can thank walking on two feet for most of

See, I think of the way it's written as more of a normalizing thing. Given all the pressure women are under to look as perfect as they can as soon as they give birth, I think it's good to have the message of "Hey, this is what happens. It's normal. You'll be okay."

I also think women who are considering their options

Yeah, Jezebel, it's time for you to really mature and stop posting factual stuff about pregnancy that makes it look scary because it makes me feel weird and I can't handle my adult emotions! GROW UP ALREADY, JEZEBEL.

I don't think it's fear-mongering to tell women about potential health issues that could arise from pregnancy, especially when we have politicians in this country who think rape victims should be forced to carry pregnancies to term because it's "no big deal" for the female body.

how is it sensationalist to acknowledge real changes a body undergoes during pregnancy that are rarely talked about?

Don't forget the part about being a selfish bitch if you don't want to do it.

I hardly think it's sensationalist to discuss the physical and mental issues that can accompany pregnancy and birth. Just because the process is a naturally-occurring one doesn't mean it isn't also disastrous once in a while.

I think you're overreacting. Pregnancy does fuck you up. It's considered a disease state by those of us in the medical profession. There is a plethora of conditions that only apply to pregnant women.
In other words, calm down.

I think there's enough "pregnancy is great and motherhood is the only thing that makes your life truly worthwhile" to even out the score.

I'm the oldest of four. My mom had my youngest brother when she was 40 and I was 16. He was a 10 pound vaginal birth (the day he was born we were going to the hospital to have him weighed, but since he was a few weeks late the doctor decided to induce without weighing him). He ended up getting stuck in the birth

I'm guessing she's not thinking about this.

I think it's interesting that she says they're prepared to fight for everyone's right to life, no matter what the circumstances of their conception or what situation they're being born into. What about after they're born? What help is she offering to babies being born into extreme poverty etc?

I would like her to expound on the statement "We are doing this for Obama's daughters". Like how will this help them? If she can tell me how this will actually help, I will listen. But all I hear right now is blah blah blah, Malala, blah blah blah Nancy Pelosi. God God God, Me Me Me.

Dear Lila Rose,

What a bunch of hypocritical bullshit. They care for everyone's "right to life" (unless you're a POC or gay of course, because then you're on your own). I can't even picture how much cognitive dissonance must be going on in her head right now...

Serious practice. As a person of African origin I can tell you we've all been practising our dance moves from since we could learn to walk. Plus there is no culture of embarrasment or shame around dancing (which I've noticed my white friends all have....unless their drunk)

Have you ever seen WOC accomplishments on this site?