
It's funny watching them without the sound. It's so much more obvious how conscious they ar of not accidentally flashing the camera. So many of them look very uncomfortable. High stools and almost-mini-skirts isn't very practical.

Change condoms, use a lot of lube, allow for adequate breaks. That's a laughably easily soluble problem.

I'm pretty sure that at least one person has changed their minds about seatbelt laws after a motor-vehicle accident. Since when aren't people allowed to change their minds on stuff?

I mentioned elsewhere that mainstream gay porn uses condoms, and the world hasn't ended yet. And I'm sure they already do edits in porn—what's the likelihood of someone's ass being properly stretched after 2 minutes? So yeah, lube and more lube.

Yep. The 'we care about the comfort of performers' doesn't make sense to anyone who has actually seen porn. 'Comfortable' isn't the first word that springs to mind.

You think the lobbying group has a huge conflict of interest but you don't think that maybe the porn industry has a huge conflict of interest in saying that condoms don't make performers safer, considering that condoms would make porn less profitable?

I'm pretty sure she got HIV on the job and then spread it to her partner. Also, the only 2 porn stars contracting HIV thing is a lie.

And one of the glaring problems with only testing (aside from the possibility of false negatives and the window of time in which you can be infectious but not testable) is the fact that testing is not actually preventative. As a spokesperson for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation said, it is like trying to prevent

a porn star is like 34 to 68 times more likely to contract an STD or STI than the general public, the whole idea that testing is the perfect way to stop the spread of STDs is bullshit

Some medical workers have latex allergies that cause them to break out into rashes if they wear latex gloves. Does that mean they forgo gloves entirely? No, they wear vinyl or nitrile gloves. So how about porn performers use polyurethane condoms, female condoms, more lube, and aren't required to shoot for so many

Sorry, but I call bullshit on the condom burn thing. I've posted about this recently after Gawker profiled that stupid woman's comments.

That's not the argument that's being made, though. Primarily, producers aren't arguing about the merits of the law, they're saying that they should not be subject to any regulations whatsoever. Because of free speech. So even if a lawmaker came up with something like mandatory testing schedules or whatever they'd

"Experts within the field." Meaning, porn stars who are opposed to condom use. Many porn stars (such as the ones who work for Wicked) use condoms in their work; maybe they could talk to those people to see how they manage it without horrible chafing. I would also love to hear ACTUAL DOCTORS who specialize in STD

Yes, it is very clever. It's funny to see people who would usually totally be about health and safety regulations suddenly start advocating that industries should totally be able to self-regulate...because sex.

I did some research into how porn is regulated in California after the last "Condoms prevent HIV/But they chafe like a motherfucker!" argument. Pornography is almost completely unregulated. Because it was protected as free speech, it escapes regulation and the safety precautions for people who work within the industry

A lot of people questioned her nursing credentials so you might want to look into that before relying on it.

I think if you were a porn actor with a reputation for always wanting to use condoms your supply of work would dry up pretty quickly. Consumers want condomless porn, therefore producers create condomless porn, therefore actors are encouraged to go condomless.

FREE SPEECH!!!111!!!

I work in the field of risk management and safety and for the life of me cannot understand why porn actors should be exempt from PPE (personal protective equipment) when shooting movies. All employees who work in high-risk occupations (construction, manufacturing etc.) are required to wear some type of protection.

It's so brave of them to come out and talk about this issue. There is so much stigma about sex work and HIV and for these performers to demand better of their industry is so important.