
I think a lot of this is really tied to the male gaze and male privilege though. I don't think people are born thinking "if I have a penis and can fuck people with it i'm better than them"/"if I have a vagina or a butthole that I like having fucked i'm a lesser person". I think it's a societal attitude and really

From OITNB to Girls? What a step down.

Wow at Jezebel deleting my comment about how it is only ONE episode and how Lena Dunham does not deserve all this praise, sigh Jezebel white feminists.

UGH SHE IS THE BEST. She and Samira Wiley need their own show where they just mock white people for a half an hour.

What I also find interesting or at least my point of view is the level of insecurity at the success of minorities some of these people must feel. They are happy when blacks, latinos, asians, etc are doing stereotypical things but the moment a minority is somehow "superior" to them (be it finanacially, in the work

Can you imagine if Twitter was around when Vanessa Williams won Miss America? Actually, choosing not to imagine that.

We are talking about people who confuse Africa and Hawaii. Does this really surprise you.

...and over 200 years of unpaid slave labor ripped from Africa. I think that helped quite a bit.

This one was my favourite

That was proven to be fake. The Miss America Organization did an investigation and they said that she did nothing wrong and did not say anything inappropriate.

I don't see her being praised in this post, and they already covered the fact that she was involved in body snarking.

Seriously, I think my hedgehog has a better grasp of geography then most of these people.

Oh bless their pointy little heads.

I'm genuinely surprised about the amount of male voices in this conversation. Not that watching or being interested in Miss America pageants is strictly for ladies but…. seriously?

This is why we can't have nice things.

I would rather watch my own execution than this nonsense.

Laverne Cox is quickly becoming one of my favorites.

I did read it. I also read your pitiable attempts to justify your "I didn't see it, therefore it doesn't exist" comments to others that called you out on it.

And thank you for completely invalidating anything you in your OP with that classy retort by showing your real colours.

Please just stop and realize that even despite the fact that you are wrong about fake geek girl shaming not existing, but your making arguments and judgments that have no place in what this video is selling as a concept. You can have watched the video a hundred times and I wouldn't be any more impressed than if I