
Then I assume you have a landline and are home a lot of your time. Most of us broke people don't get to spend much time where we sleep.

This! What's the only think I can think of that would make my cell MORE essential to me? If I couldn't afford a computer.

Oh ye gods I hate reading people's judgey attitudes about the "woman with 6 kids at Walmart with food stamps chatting on her brand-new iPhone." There are SO many reasons why someone needs a cell phone and many reasons why such a woman may have a new phone (gifts from a friend? won it in a drawing? none of your damn

When readers freaked out, the paper changed the phrasing to "let herself be sexually assaulted."

I have to concede that it is not my right to make choices for other people. If I came across as trying for force decisions on someone, I apologize.

If we wait for the world to be an equal playing field, there will never be any equality. If in the meantime we decide the right thing to do is play into the oppressors' game, we are simply cementing the appearance based discrimination that has pervaded society for so long.

Erm she had to alter her face to advance her career did you not read the post and how her racist boss attacked her looks, damn white people on here are missing the point.

I understand that. Still doesn't negate the overall point.

Dear the entire Catholic church,

Please do not ever open your fucking mouth ever fucking again on the topics of decency, dignity, or morality, until you stop sheltering child rapists and child torturers from the rule of secular law. You are a morally bankrupt institution. It doesn't matter how many hungry people you

The Man's paralysing fear is that all of the oppressed and that includes all minorities, women, poor folk, people with disabilities and non-hetero people will band together and say enough. Divide and conquer is the only way The Man stays on top.

I fucking love Aisha Tyler. That's all.

Are you sending this info to Sheryl Underwood? Because I haven't seen anyone on this site say anything about Asians not experiencing discrimination.

Sheryl Underwood doesn't even come close to speaking for even a fraction of Black people.

You can tell from her expression that Aisha Tyler is the only person on that panel who understands & empathizes with the gravity of what Chen is discussing.

That's not even the dumbest race-related thing she's said in the past month, so...

See that's something people often choose to forget. It's fairly easy for your average caucasian person to be outraged that someone of another ethnicity feels like they need to change their appearance... because they often can't imagine what it's like to be completely outside of the western beauty standard, WHICH IS

But then I begin to compare it to the western ideal aesthetic, and I find myself lacking. It is one of my biggest insecurities actually.

This is a hard one for any ethnic minority IMO. As an African American, I truly love my coloring, my full lips, and my body type. But then I begin to compare it to the western ideal aesthetic, and I find myself lacking. It is one of my biggest insecurities actually. It's very refreshing that natural hair is in

This shit makes me so sad. I've always loved what makes people's faces different; big noses, thick eyebrows, ect. I have a big European nose and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I know I'm a hypocrite because I might never accept my big Hispanic ass. If someone told me they'd sign me a deal if I got lypo, I'd

Given Underwood's nappy hair comments, her opinions regarding beauty and "giving in to the man" are suspect.