
The same can be said for you.

Sounds a lot like segregation...

Do you have any realistic suggestions or do you just live in a void? If any one person could just go and "make games" wouldn't there be a fuckton more games around? No it takes a team and resources... resources typically found in the form of $$$. It takes money to make money. I don't have any money. Besides I'm not

So women should only work at indie developers? So maybe the game industry loses 50% of its talent that way. Great!

Great anecdotal evidence you've got there. ;|

There's a lot of inherent naïvety in this response, most of all punctuated by the misguided libertarian/conservative mindset that anybody can make it just as long as they pull themselves up their bootstraps and really strive to be exceptional- and really let down by the refusal to acknowledge that people are treated

Imagining the worst possible outcome can save you a world of trouble too.

Right, just change jobs.

Setttle down. It's natural a man would take offense since they feel that it implies they're unable to hold their booze without getting all rapey. A smart woman would anticipate a drunken co-worker blocking her path while making uninvited sexual comments COULD lead to a situation were they must become aggressive to

Lucky you. The amount of women that speak out about the harassment they receive somehow pales in comparison to your shining approval of the industry in general. Good thing you're here to invalidate personal experiences because they don't match up with yours.


How fantastic for you, perhaps that should invalidate her experience and thoughts because it's different from yours.

A drunk person, making unsolicited, unwanted comments about your appearance while blocking your only means of an exit, coupled with the fact that 1 in 4 women in the united states is sexually assaulted before they even graduate college, means that this is an uncomfortable situation at the best, and she needs to think

"In one interview, the HR staff warn you that at their company, you’d better be able to “take a joke.”"

You should talk to some actual rape victims and see how many of them tell you that the rape arose out of situations just described above, from the man seemingly 'just talking' to them.


How is it irrational? Women do get cornered by creeps quite often.

There's a drunk guy that's talking to a woman, blocking her only exit out, and making conversation about her looks. Yeah, I can see how that would scare a woman.

Your criminal lack of understanding that to an alone woman, an imposing drunk guy making unwelcomed comments as anything other than intimidating is not welcomed here or anywhere in the world in 2013.

If I was a woman, I'd certainly be intimidated by a drunk man who starts making comments about how I look—especially if we're alone together. I'd certainly be terrified of what may happen.