
Ugh she is vile racist i do not understand how she has any fans and gets away with saying racial slurs, wearing blackface ect..

Ahahahaha the trolls!!! "This racism is killin me inside!!"

Please explain to me why Bethenny Frankel has a career on television. This is one of the great mysteries of life, or at least of entertainment.

Bethenny Frankel is the product of the 'Telling It Like It Is' culture. That it doesn't matter how obnoxious, belligerent, loudmouthed, or rude your comments are, they're somehow warranted because you think you're being 'honest' (which also has been confused with being truthful.)

Ahem... the troll with an obvious troll name has showed up already.... Oh darn am I overusing the word troll? The asshole with the asshole name... Leave them in the grey please....

You know what is truly funny (and by funny I mean so very, very sad)? We're joking about Zimmerman being single, because it is comical that someone on Jezebel would even remotely be interested in this idiot. However, I have no qualms in saying that he will be remarried within less than a year. Why, because the

Totally! I feel like there is a definite list of "things you don't discuss with professors" and how your body looks has gotta be at the top... Just the idea of a professor commenting on my body is shudder-inducing. Hopefully you only have to say it to them once and then those comments will stop!

Because Naomi is fabulous and she will never ever be beat.

Also, it would be awesome if the Jezebel staff would just delete straight-up racist comments.

The real shock here is that Iman is 58!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Unfortunately, I have never heard of most of those people. Their names don't even ring a bell. And I would bet that I'm not alone. I mean, come on.

I'm with you. I mean, Tyra really broke barriers in her heyday—being the first black model with a solo Sports Illustrated cover is pretty huge. And she parlayed that into a really successful (for her and her producers) and entertaining reality show. Yeah Tyra is a little crazy, but who in Hollywood isn't? She's

I'm with you on this. I also think that people tend to be bizarrely hyper-critical of Tyra in a way that strikes me as deeply unfair. She strikes me as an incredibly talented and ambitious person who knows a hell of a lot about her industry (and has really progressive values, even though she sometimes misses the

This just in...

Tyra is problematic. Like, duh. But I can't actually be mad at her for loving (and practically worshipping) herself. That's just some survival shit, tbh. When the world tells you you're worthless (and her being a model does not negate her blackness, bruh. Not fa'real), sometimes overcompensating is how you'll survive

Naomi Campbell is a household name. The others are simply not up there on the same level of fame as the likes of Cara Delevingne or Cindy Crawford. Disingenuous is claiming that they are.

Fellow white people: please shut up. Thanks!

"Whiteface." Lord have mercy. Poor stupid people of my race. They just NEED to minimize other people's problems by appropriating them for themselves. And conveniently ignoring hundreds of years of privilege....

Stop trying to make whiteface happen. It's not going to happen.