
I wouldn't call this "non-legalized adoption", I would call it "legalized child trafficking."

I don't really like it either. A girl I work with once said to me "You have really small shoulders." I didn't know how to take that so I just responded with a "Thanks" she goes "It wasn't really a compliment." Wtf is that!?

It's not shallow to dislike people intruding on your day and commenting on your appearance regardless of what they're saying, it's rude and people think they can get away with it because "who doesn't like compliments" even though its not really a compliment.

I have a unique perspective because I'm not gay, but everyone in high school thought I was because I stood up to a teacher who was making some extremely homophobic remarks during class. My whole class looked at me, dumbfounded, and was all "Do you... LIKE gay people? Because you're gay?!"

"Yeah. I'm gay. And I like all

I remember that all too well, and I wasn't even gay. Just that awful feeling that you always had the blade about to descend on your neck, that every day was a nightmare. And you had to pretend it didn't bother you, that you didn't care, then go home and turn into a basket case.

Loving this man more and more every day.

I do, but in a different context to you. I don't like it when people comment on my weight (in a positive way) because normally the implication is that I am "lucky" to be slim. I just don't think it's an appropriate thing to comment on.

I do. I hate it so much. Every time it happens I think, I didn't ask for your opinion nor do I want it. Good or bad it's just, ugh.

I completely agree. It totally freaks me out that I am constantly on display and people feel entitled to comment on it. How is someone's body a polite topic of conversation? I have no idea how to respond, other than to give a curt answer and change the topic of conversation.

I have a half sleeve tattoo by a very famous tattoo artist, and I've started to go to work with it covered up (I work retail) not because I have to have it covered, but because I get sick of talking about it to people. Who did you tattoo? How much did it cost? How long did it take? Did it hurt? What does it mean? Do

I'm with you. I come from modest people, so any comment on my body makes me uncomfortable.

The only time that sort of platonic, not-overtly-offensive comment annoyed me was when a guy friend made comments about my shoulders. I'd been training in martial arts/boxing and wight lifting fairly intensively for about a year and I guess my body type tends to bulk up a bit. It had been a really hard year and I'd

Ewww, that is so inappropriate, especially for profs. Commenting on women's bodies is totally not acceptable for someone in their position, and the latter case is pretty clear cut sexual harassment. You should not be subjected to this shit, should not feel like you have to keep quiet, but should do what feels safest

I hate this too! My sister (G) always grabs me around the waist and hoists me up in the air, or will circle my wrists with her fingers to a chorus of "look at you!! You're so tiiiiny!" I hate it because my mom and sister G are always going on diets, saying how they need to lose weight, congratulating each other for

Not to be nitpicky and drop the bullshit 'in my experience' card, but as a person who has worked as a paid joke writer for a very famous comic (and a few not-so famous ones), they absolutely have people write their shit for them. Especially on their social media sites. There's someone so famous on Twitter, they

Why is pro-rape in quotes in the title? It is pro-rape.

"This just happens in college" is no defense. If anything, college should be the LAST place this happens as it is a conduit for higher learning and analytic thinking. I don't accept that defense/excuse at all. Ever. If this is college, then lets change college.

I really do like his stand up. I can't help it!

He's been saying some dickish things about black women for some time now. I remember some comic strip he posted on his facebook or twitter a few years ago about how black women are rude when men try to talk to them on the street opposed to white women being friendly. There was also this. I love Kevin Hart and he has

I'm a dude who doesn't like football, so today is "Everybody Shut Up And Leave Me Alone Day."