  • You have access to Plan B should you have an unwanted pregnancy



Aww, you are giving those robbers way too much credit. They didn't make you racist. The racism has been within you all along!!

I find this reprehensible but as a starving artist I still submitted for this contest. Here is what i did for:

The robbery was a catalyst for feelings you already harbored and is now an excuse you use for those same feelings. I highly doubt you'd hate all white men or asian men had your attackers been one of those races.

Well, the first step is owning that you clearly must have been harboring some deep-seeded racism prior to your trauma because your post-traumatic brain would not have otherwise been so quick to connect the misdeeds of your attackers to their race, nor so stubborn about releasing the association.

Robbing isn't always because of poverty. Some people do it for drugs, some for kicks, some because they want free stuff. You can't blame everything on being poor and in some ways, that's a stereotype, too. "Oh poor Charlie, he's poor, what do you expect?"

Your brain thinks black=danger when you need to think those guys=danger. If white guys robbed you, would you hate all white guys?
But I can understand, I think we get subconsciously conditioned to fear black guys and then when black guys do something bad, we can interpret it as black guys are all criminals.
Maybe you

Serious answer. The reason 3 people robbed you has nothing to do with their race. People get robbed in countries around the world. They're robbed by people of their own race. Of other races. White people robbed by white people. Brown people robbed by brown people.

As weird as this sounds, I will have mixed emotions when they find a "cure" for HIV or whatever the treatment will look like. My brother died of aids and I know it will be bitter sweet. This sounds promising, I hope it works.

Eat shit and diet?

I would love more actually gender-neutral toys. The lego I played with as a kid was blocks, in various shapes, in primary colours. Now all the "boy" stuff has guns and action heros on it, and the "girl" stuff is all pink. I mean I get that gender neutral toy soldiers and ballerina kit is not going to be happening

See, what this article doesn't address is that moralizing (mostly religious folk) don't want teen pregnancy rates to go down. They want teens to not have sex at all, and for the teens who do have sex to get pregnant every time.

Ironically(?) the culture of life is all about the baby as punishment for the teens who dare

Casting this role is WAY more interesting than the generic blond white lady thread up above.

And wouldn't that be amazing if the female superhero was black, meztizo, or Asain?! No? She needs to be white. Well. I tried it.

Beyonce is perfection in human form, so if Beyonce has cellulite, then I, too, shall have cellulite.

Did someone perform emergency hugs and kisses on them afterwards? If not, I can fly over to offer my expert support.

My cat died today. She was just three years old. I am reeling, and I'm glad that people value the lives of these animals enough to halt subway operations for an hour to save them.