
Look: it's NOT COOL to use racial/homophobic slurs on national TV, even if said recipients of the slurs claim to be okay with it (as if they even have a choice on a voting show based on social popularity!) And no, I really don't give two shits about the "demise" (...really?) of people who AUDITIONED to be in the

Oh shut up. Save some of your incredible free-flowing empathy for the black contestants that they reduced to tears with their racist bullying. This is a live feed show, it's not an issue of them "being portrayed" as racist assholes, it's an issue of them being racist assholes. And if being a racist asshole makes

Reality show dipshits getting negative public backlash for explicit racial bullying? BOO FUCKING HOO. They signed up for this shit, they knew full well everything they said in that house was being filmed for public consumption, and I'm pretty sure the producers didn't force them to call people "Shaneequa" and "Kermit

Like it matters. They'll be hired somewhere else. White people rarely get punished for their racism.

Every time I read her name I mistake it for "Aryan."

It's still funny that they don't know they've been fired.

You don't need a white asshole. You ARE a white asshole.

So, not only are these girls racist, but they're also stupid for broadcasting they bleach their asses on television.

Thank you for thinking that supporting racist people is a good idea


I want everyone to shut up about twerking. Miley Cyrus wasn't twerking, she is incapable of twerking. And now every asshat is talking about twerking and they have no idea what it is. Like when the Harlem Shake was all the rage. Except nobody was doing the Harlem Shake because they don't even know what it actually is.

NO ONE needs to have that image in their head. No one. Ever.

I'll just leave this here...


Now I can't unsee Billy Ray twerking on Robin Thicke. I need to bleach my brain.

Sure, fine, heels aren't "healthy." But neither is bleaching your hair, wearing nail polish, straightening your hair, eyelash extensions, piercing your ears, wearing spanx, wearing tight jeans, going tanning, smoking cigarettes, etc. And, in the spectrum of cost/benefit, heels aren't the worst on that list. And I'm

If you honestly don't think that legs look empirically better in heels than flats, that's your opinion, but the vast majority of people wearing high heels do it because it makes them feel better and feel they look better. I'm a lawyer, I see the vast majority of my female colleagues wearing heels all the time. And,

It's a good thing I wear them for myself because I like them and not how they appear to other people and certainly not because it encourages other women to feel like they have to wear them. That's just stupid.

Why do you care so much about what other people choose to wear on their feet?

I think Brazil is okay. Not only is it diverse, it has a serious issue with poor people being marginalized by a largely light-skinned upper class. China is too easy, and I want to be employed in the future. (Hi future Chinese overlords! I love you!)