
Now I can be that Stepford wife, I've heard so much about.

But doesn't that sort of feed into the problem? We should be making sunglasses that accommodate your face, not change your face to fit society's standardized sunglasses.

Low-cost alternative:

That doesn't really seem like what you are doing. There is really nothing to argue about because how does another person's experience contradict your own, unless you happened to be in the same place at the same time.

Short answer: events don't happen in a vacuum.

In Miley's music video for the same song, she employs the use of black women only for twerking scenes. When she's 'hanging with her friends' not one black person is present.

I don't care whether you are from outer space, you have no business correcting people about what they themselves have seen and experienced. And if you are a person of colour then you are even more out of line.

It's not about dismissing them. It IS a problem, and it SHOULD be addressed. But my point is that it is ONLY being addressed because it is an issue that is relevant to white feminism. She gets to be painted as the victim of slut shaming (and that's the narrative we run with) instead of the perpetuator of racial

Yeah, the Thicke thing was weird. It was like they were trying to find something to criticize about the performance that wasn't the sexual nature, but rather than latch on and discuss the serious issue of cultural appropriation they kind of floundered into blaming Robin Thicke.

No I don't think she's being outwardly malicious. But unfortunately that is some of the most insidious racism... The kind where no one thinks they are doing anything wrong, therefore it's harder to call out without seeming like you are "over-reacting".

Preach. Let's all preach. I don't care about a young woman flaunting her sexuality... that's her choice to make. I DO care about a young woman appropriating stereotypes for profit and using women of a certain race as props.

Right, but most of the comments on this site have not been focused on her lack of fitting clothes or excessive grinding but rather on her lack of talent and affinity for using black people as props.

I live in New Orleans, where every little skinny white girl since Katrina wanted to learn how to Bounce so they could fit in with the local culture. When you don't put in the time to be part of a culture, you don't get the option to just cherry-pick the parts you like. It smells like social colonialism.

Have you not seen this same sentiment echoed time and again in this post, or in the piece Jez ran about her video for the song?
This isn't Subrina_Savage's personal quest - it's a legitimate criticism many many readers have leveled against Miley's new "identity"

It wouldn't make it excusable, but it might explain why she thinks its okay. "Hood Pass" and all that...

Exactly. Thank you.

You cannot defend a woman's right to do what she wants and then suddenly demote her to the position of a defenceless young girl when she does stupid shit. Part of being a woman is being allowed to do idiotic things without someone thinking you've been forced into it.

What's obnoxious is celebrities using people of color as props.

Yeah, I've seen a few comments say something like "Well Robin Thicke should take responsibility because he's a thirty-something y.o. married man grinding up on a 20 y.o. girl." Umm well 1. have you not seen his Blurred Lines video? He obviously doesn't care. 2. All of a sudden Miley is a girl? She's a woman, no?

Honestly, the only thing I find inappropriate about what Miley has been doing is that she's appropriating black culture in order to prove that she's "sexual" and "edgy" now, which is extremely offensive for a host of reasons.

Oh come on. I'm no Thicke fan but to say that he was somehow in charge of that shitshow is just ridiculous. I think Miley is a powerful enough young woman to get what she wants, and to imply that she was just playing the "young near-naked woman" in a Thicke-controlled clusterfuck is just insulting to her.
