
Standardized testing is a joke. I tutored it in grad school and around 10 hours of coaching and some diligent practice and I raised my students scores on avg. 6 pts on the ACT. They didn't get any smarter, or better prepared for school, just better at taking that specific test. Same with SAT, GRE, and the MCAT all of

Regardless if you agree with his politics, I feel Obama has been a very dignified, classy man during his time in the White House, and doesn't deserve the disrespect that he gets at all angles. Michelle and him have made wonderful role models and examples for a modern presidency.

"So Dilma - would you recommend heels or flats?" The Onion couldn't make it up.

Bill Clinton was the first black president.

Barack Obama is the first female president.

I wonder who the first black female president will be.

My bet: Rand Paul.

Tina Belcher expresses my feelings about this so perfectly.

This dress is adorable

From "The Daily Caller" Article:

If Obama is the first female president, does that make him less scary to conservatives or scarier to conservatives?

The Daily Caller also haz a sad that Obama doesn't have any white dogs.

Totally going to ignore the article here and just say HAIRSPIRATION! Gorgeous.

He should preach about colorism, internalized racism, and the shocking degree to whichsome black men seem to absorb anti-black messaging especially as it pertains to black women and their beauty. B/c those are ALL things that lead to SOME women feeling that they way they are isn't good enough.

“I lead a church where our members are struggling financially. I mean really struggling. Yet, a 26 year old mother in my church has a $300 weave on her head. NO. I will not be quiet about this.”

Technically, when I get my period and use tampons I'm trying to not be something I am, which is bleeding all over my pants. Is that wrong, too?

Well pastor, maybe if black men weren't on this constant tirade to fetishize white women and saying shit like "I like white girls. They just prettier and innocent and they got that long ass hair that's real." or "I want a high yellow chick, cuz I ain't fuckin with no 4c shit" Then maybe they wouldn't feel the need,

Agreed. There are so many ways to preach against a culture of materialism. He could just as easily spoken about the beauty of black women no matter how they choose (emphasis on choice) to style their hair and to urge our sisters to place self-love above all else. Nope, instead let's attack the weaves without any

Pointing out the systematic oppression of the beauty industrial complex, especially when applied a to group the culture deems inherently "less attractive," while acknowledging an individuals' need to achieve a certain level of put-togetherness and/or right to take pleasure in their own appearance requires a degree of

As a form of protest, can Jezebel put a weave into the new banner? Which is awesome BTW.

Hair shaming: yet another type of shaming that is solely reserved for the womenfolk. Sounds like a real neat guy.

Ugh, he needs to be quiet about it. Unless someone with a weave makes it his business (i.e. asks him to pay for it), he should mind his own business.