
I feel like it is impossible to have and raise children AND be happy in this country unless you family willing to help and/or you are very rich. Other than that, it feels like a losing game. Can someone tell me I'm wrong?

This comes from the American fetishization of individuality, independence, and choice. You CHOSE to be a mother, you CHOSE this. No one chooses to be in mourning or to get cancer (unless you are a smoker or something, I guess). It's the same value system that refuses to help poor people or the homeless or the

What are you even talking about? I totally bounced back from labor. I mean yeah my hand was a little sore from the brutal hand holding, but honestly I was my old self again in like 15 minutes. Oh, wait, we're not talking about the guys here? Sorry, I was confused.

Economy in shambles and they're getting another dog?


Freeman is a character actor, not an A-list star, and Washington, at this stage in his career, is veering in the same direction.

So basically what black women have been writing about since forever. ok cool.

Although he's trying to be funny, there's a lot of underlying misogyny here. You bleed once a month. Big deal. If women didn't do that, he wouldn't be walking the earth right now. Seriously. He needs to get over it. Acting like a teenage boy with all of his "jokes" only thinly masks his true feelings.

Let's just say the common factor is him.

I too reach my peak of hornbag-ness when I'm on my period, and it is delightful. Period Sex is one of my favourite types of sex, up there with Birthday Sex and NYE Sex. Plus the Rookie article said that orgasms alleviate menstrual cramps, which makes sense.

So does this mean I can complain about your crap punctuation and capitalization?

woof. man child needs to grow up.

Well, you don't have to if you don't want to, but you should have the option without everyone around you going "EEeeeewww!"

Whatchoo got, Sug? Piss n vinegar runnin through those veins? Thought so.

Looking back on my prepubescent years, I think that I subconsciously picked up the message that to be a woman is a shameful, dirty thing. I don't remember ever actually thinking those words, but I know that as I started to develop and mature I was endlessly humiliated about the changes and a woman was the last thing I

The only thing that annoys me is how my boyfriend is so grossed out by my period blood like it is filthy. While i do not want to play with it, it isn't filthy and i am not dirty. He made a joke that when we get married he wanted me to have a seperate trash can with a skull and cross bones on it for my ladies products.

I have a strict rule against dating dudes who don't do period sex. It goes hand in hand with my rule against dating guys who won't kiss post-blow job.

But periods are not comparable in grossness to like, shit and vomit. I would describe a period as unpleasant, but not gross. I mean if someone had a wound that's bleeding heavily, I wouldn't say I'm grossed out. But I don't enjoy the sight either.

It's bleeding. Kill it, cook it, or bandage it. Gah. Why is this so difficult for people to understand?

Oh, hell no, I'm not accepting my period as it comes. I suppress the shit out of it with drugs. Better living through chemistry!