
1) Please forgive me if I am a bit skeptical about this issue of them claiming to be hurt. 2) We all know how well the whole "giving the industry the choice" thing works in a number of industries. Who knows why people are not using condoms. It could be argued that producers and directors put direct and/or indirect,

This thread is great, because the emphasis is on maximizing options for performers. The concept behind the legislation is that it provides support for those who want to use condoms. There is currently no support for the already disenfranchised people who work in adult film, and monthly testing does not serve as

While I understand (at least intellectually) your claim that they should be able to do with their bodies as they please, the central premise of SeaAnemone's objection remains very, very valid:

Ah, moving goal posts. Since you lost the "difficulties and discomfort" argument, you move on the "choice" argument.

It can be about mandating condom use in the industry and have the effect of promoting and normalizing condom use in the general population. Mindblowing, no?

Me too. I feel like Jezebel writes an article about this every other week. We get it. Millenials are struggling financially and most of us are living with our parents. How about write an article when that changes?

You cannot just study everything on your own though.

I think this is great. It helps protect the performers and may promote more people to use condoms.

Don't worry about it meshing with my world view. I am cool with it. I completely understand being poor. My father was a coal miner. You cannot just study everything on your own though. I majored in opera performance in college and there is no way that i could have just studied that on the side. I never would have

Don't blame them, maybe their STEM classes never taught them how to read for context clues before spouting off bootstrappy paragraphs.

"If my children don't go into the field that I consider appropriate, I would withhold financial support." Um ... that does sound like you'd be heavily encouraging them to get a STEM degree and punishing them for not going there.

I know, right? I'm not bad at math or technology - I could see myself in engineering, actually, if I'd gotten into it earlier - but just picking a field because I'm told it would make me successful and taking those classes, rather than looking at what I'd like to do with myself for the next fifty years based on my

Seriously - if a medical doctor tells you they bumped their arm, do you believe they are saying it's "data"?

It's the implication, and you're still making it while claiming you're not. "If you're smart, you'll do X" is recommending that everyone do X (because if they don't, they're stupid). What's the point in claiming otherwise?

You would not help your kid out with tuition if they wanted to study something that wasn't wise in your eyes even if they were passionate about it? Passion can make big things happen. Is it because you do not think that they will be able to pay you back? It is your money and your right but that is kinda rough.

How is it that you put yourself through college in a STEM field and still confuse anecdotes with data?

I'm 21, just graduated college, and am living with my parents before I go back to school for at least another 6 years. I don't even care. I love living at home, and my parents love having me home. It's not like I'll be living at home forever, and I have a job right now so I can pay for most of my own things. Their

Oh, brother. The "everyone should get a job/major in a STEM field" argument again. Because the world would be such a better place if only we were all mathematically oriented. And of course the notion that STEM and liberal arts are the only two types of majors out there.

It's so interesting how good home lives are assumed in these kind of articles. I recently moved back home since I still haven't landed a job post-grad-degree. I moved back to an abusive situation, one that makes me depressed and suicidal at times. It was not an easy decision, but with my debt and my employment

I hate living with my mom. But I'm very very glad that she's allowing me to become financially solvent before I move out. I have friends who are desperate for work and living in tiny one bedroom apartments with strangers for roommates who they don't trust. That situation seems far more miserable then sleeping in my