
Which is why I never understand the Jennifer Gratzes and Abigail Fischers of the world. WHITE WOMEN BENEFIT MORE FROM AFFIRMATIVE ACTION THAN ANY OTHER GROUP.

Exactly. I think she needs to hear the outrage, because it is warranted. She is trivializing the voices of a culture she knows very little about. Does that make her an evil child killer? No, but it makes her ignorant.

Raise your hand if you've ever felt personally victimized by not being able to squish in Bo's fluff.

How was this gif already available? The interwebs, I tell ya.

Imagine if these people devoted the same amount of energy towards helping kids that have already been born.

There's a Planned Parenthood near me. Every so often, the anti-choice hate groups like to go stand out front and "pray."

Yeah, that's how my thoughts went. Not even sorry.

Ok so why can she do it and I can't is my problem. Miley can twerk and dress in urban clothes and use slang. Its called being 20 being edgy, she is exploring. Yet if I do it there are a whole different set of cultural connotations and preconceptions placed on me. I can't do these things I am not afforded the space

Which is why more colleges should require courses that talk about diversity and respect rather than just talk about diversity and respect.

I never mentioned twerking in my comment. I said she was appropriating hip hop culture for attention, and I don't think her appreciation for it will last.

She annoys me so much. Just...whyyyy....

I don't thinks she really wants to be part of hip hop culture. I think she wants to appropriate aspects of that culture that appeal to her and pretend she's cool and original and bad-ass. My impression...

I really hate when people trot out this whole why can't we all just get along rhetoric. You make it seem as if whites and blacks hold the same economic, social, and political power, and the problem is we just can't get along. No. Nope. Sorry. Go home. This is about having no resources, oppression, being dehumanized,

I'm not enraged. Moreso annoyed. I just don't think her intrigue with hip hop culture is authentic and if she transitions to a different phase within the next year or two, it'll prove my point. Rarely do white people really want to be associated with anything black; only when it's convenient and fun for them. But when

I say that because she seems like she thinks she's earned a black card and she can use it in casual conversation with black people.

Try 16/17.

I wonder if all of the black people who have been outright ripped off these past few centuries in this country by white people feel like they were just being complimented. The writers who Elvis only paid ten bucks for their songs. The singers who did it better first and then just got ignored for a white persons

Well, I don't take it as a compliment as a black person because she's only doing it for attention. If she was raised around black people, I could understand. Look at Eminem. No one accuses him of being a wannabe. But Miley is. A few years ago she didn't even know a single Jay-Z song. She couldn't care less about black

So when will this phase she's going through die already? How does a girl go from not knowing a single Jay-Z song to being on a rap song? I think the day she casually uses the n word is the day her phase will die. All of her black "friends" (I say friends loosely) will drop her and she'll receive non-stop harsh