
I said nothing, because I was not an allergy sufferer...

Nope, mine was guilt free. Right choice for me, and not even a hard one (aside from being quite expensive). It's hard for some people, it's easy for others. Everyone's a snowflake.

If I let my son, a young Black male in a society like the one we live in, decide "Oh, I'm White," then I am doing him a HUGE disservice because I am lying to him about the world and the country we live in.

That's great, then I guess we don't need a book called "I'm Mixed." We can just call it "Please, don't shoot me because you find my brown skin threatening. After all, I'm human."

Because I know nothing about the White heritage in my family other than that it exist, and in all honesty, I'm seen as Black and treated as Black. I'm sure the White heritage got there through rape and violence which is how most Africans became African-Americans. Plus, nobody has ever said,"Here. Go ahead and enjoy

But to be honest the other problem with the "biracial" identity is that if you're African-American YOU ARE ALREADY BIRACIAL. Most people who identify as African-American are actually some percentage caucasian. In fact, my grandfather who IDENTIFIES as Black, had his genetic coding done and it turns out he has so much

Clap for the Lord with those ass cheeks.

I feel you.

About 20 years I think.

I only twerk for Jesus

Ugggh white kids.

Oh, every generation thinks they invented everything. Have you heard about this butt sex thing? What will the kids think of next!?

So, Kanye, do you like fish sticks?

Well, I guess the easiest route would be for all Hispanic people to change their last name to Smith or Anderson, then? Because your boss was a racist, people should just cede their identities, rather than remaining who they are and working to change the system?

People changing their behavior to be more "white" is just what the racists want, though.

I get what you're saying, but according to your own story, Messiah wouldn't get hired by this person regardless of his name. Because if "Martin" was called in for an interview, this horrible person wouldn't have hired him anyway.

Sooooo, really the problem is racist assholes and not the names people choose to give

And I assume you stood up to your boss and demanded that she stop breaking the law? Or did you just quietly go about your business?

Wait! So the child's full name may possible be Martin Martin. Well that certainly is better than Messiah. :/

Criiiiiinge. Angel and Jesus are totally normal, common names, you know that, right? They're just not usually the names of white people. I know you acknowledge that that's classist, and I'm not trying to attack you, but seriously, that's more than classist—it's also racist and xenophobic.