
This is jezebel, white women are the only ones that matter (or their issues are most important, had a white feminist tell me that sexism is more of a problem than racism, true story) . These white women have no idea what is is like to not see anyone like them not being represented. They also think they have a right to

I will never understand why some people defend Blackface. I feel those are the same people who want to use slurs (like the n-word, r word, the gay f word etc). They have no regard for Black person's feelings. When I see Blackface I'm reminded that my race is allowed to be a joke. That blackness is meant seen as ugly,

I am assuming you are white. Why do you feel the need to tell Black people what issues they should rather deal with, or how do you know the person has not talked about the other issues? This is more than "the shade of makeup", please research blackface. I do not know why Whites feel they have a right to tell Black

You seem really angry and hold hateful views of Blacks. So can you see why no one will listen to you and consider you a troll with saying things like,"I'm sick as fuck of Black people". Also you as a White woman have no right to speak on the Black experience (or to think you are the judge of that experience),

Despite some comments on other Jezebel articles that are "tired of talking about how beautiful she is, she is thin, she is conventionally beautiful (she is not at all) blah, blah" I cannot get enough of seeing her or hearing about her! As a Black woman it warms my heart to see her get her shine, she clearly deserves

It depends on the person and what form of beauty the people around them follow. Thinness is a standard of beauty and not everyone follows it. I've talked to plenty of Black women who are thin who have been teased for their body type. Some have gotten surgery to not be thin anymore, others have purposely gained weight

Yes!!! I been liking all your comments. My first reaction was not to call her stupid but rather feel deep saddens for her. It hurts to see this. I grew up with a dark skin mother and a light skin father. (I am light skin). My family did not have colorism. I just thought Black was beautiful, I learned later in life

Intersectionality problems exist. Do research please.

"She's a model, not a sociologist" You better preach! I don't understand the hate either, no she is not perfect, but she is an activist just not scholarly activist. She has give more than other models have, but because she tries she is given criticism compared to models who do nothing to give back.

I totally agree, I guess when you mentioned lipstick alley I got confused. Unfortunately I have dealt with 2 white feminist in the past 2 weeks on Jezebel, that have basically tries to discredit my experiences as a Black woman. I would like more diversity of stories posted to help boost intersectionality feminism.

I think I get what your saying. It is when someone "over- complimenting" it does not feel genuine and it is forced. It also means they aren't going to deal with the serious issues (lack of discussion for intersectionality). I think that is what you are saying.

I just wanted to say your posts and gifs are both It is so annoying when someone tries to ignore the inequalities that minorities face because they are probably apart of the problem.

Is that a bad thing?

Okay white feminist. I'm not telling you personal information so you will deal. Also you still don't get it. Makeup is not the same as kinky hair, you seem to not grasp this. There is proof in the Black women I talked to but like a white feminist you deny it. You probably also think racism is dead and is way worse.

You were asking personal information (would you reveal where you work to a weirdo online asking you, didn't think so) and you basically are calling me a liar. *eyeroll*

It is always nice when people say something does not happen because they did not see it with their own eyes. *eyeroll*


Well like in my other post I stated where Black women were told not to where their hair naturally. Unfortunately, I have heard too many stories where schools do not allow certain natural hair styles, certain Black women I know where either discourage not to wear their hair in a professional environment, or the

YES!!! It drove me crazy how differently some people treated me when my hair was straighten! Golden days indeed! lol.

There is a thing called intersectionality. A black person does not have race privilege but they can have sexuality, gender, class, abled-bodied etc. privilege. Just like a white person has race privilege but does not have class privilege if he is homeless.