
name one what?

One of my classmates from my Black feminist class said that her manger at Mcdonald's sent her (and 6 other workers home) for the following styles: afros, braids, twist...the sad thing was the manager was a Black woman.

Same here. I remember all the times my hair was mocked for being nappy, or I had people tell me that my hair would be so pretty relaxed (my hair has always been long so I guess they thought they were giving me a compliment).

I been natural my whole life. Finally glad that Black women are allowed to wear our hair naturally. Unfortunately some workforce places still consider natural hair "too militant" or "not professional".

I thought Zimmerman was fragile and made of glass and could not fight? *side-eye* Also does he know that boxing does not allow the use of guns?

You never read feminist works, that is not what "feminist" say. Women are not the same as men, they just want equal treatment. Just like Whites and Blacks are not the same just deserve equal right. Equality does not mean everybody is the same it just means the differences should not mean one group is superior to

Yes men and women are different did you ever take a biology class? Lol. Women are the only sex that can get pregnant and that pregancy occurs within her body and effects her health. Women are allowed to control her own body, just like men.

Eating slower. I notice when I eat slower I eat less. Also drinking more water. I realize, I was not hungry but actually thristy.

I must shower at least once a day. I work out everyday and I sweat a lot. I workout hard so my clothes are soaked in sweat so if I don't shower, I know I will smell. I also shampoo my hair 2-3 times a week. I also don't use regular lotion I make my own mixture (Shea butter, coco butter, castor oil, etc) so I never dry

You sound ignorant as fuck. Safe spaces allow minorities to feel comfortable because the society inherently designed not to protect us. This is not about different opinions. Non-safe spaces literally can be life threatening. Ever heard of hate crimes, harassment etc? As a Black women I like knowing I can go to a place

I like that mannequin, it is shaped similar to me. I wonder how tall it is?

"White women are socialized to believe they are superior and in turn are very insensitive to Black women as human beings"
Yup, which is why it is hard to deal with White feminist when it comes to race. Just a few days ago this white feminist (on groupthink) said that sexism is more important than racism. I truly

This is jezebel. I had one white feminist say that racism is excusable but not sexism. Then a week ago another White feminist said sexism is more important that racism. She tried to explain that people judge gender before race and other bs like that.

You think sexism is more important than racism? So the fuck is it strawman to say you rate oppression? How would you know which is worst anyway you are White!!!!!!! This is white feminist crap to rate sexism worst than racism, that sexism is more important. How do you not see that??? It is more important to you


Hahaha wrong Black men are profiled as BLACK MEN, not as men. You are ignoring intersectionality. Those women tend to clutch their purse at BLACK MEN, not all men. Cops racial profile BLACK MEN, not just men.

I just glad people are going after Sherri as a individual, and not Black people (tired of people stereotyping Blacks as homophobic it will not solve the problem). I remember Sherri saying she had multiple abortions. I think some religious folks try to say,'x is a sin and you will go to Hell" to feel better about their

I am just glad people are going after Sherri as a individual, and not Black people (tired of people stereotyping Blacks as homophobic it will not solve the problem).

This is a horribly, false statement. If that was the case then Black men would not be racially profiled at such a high rate (if gender was so important than why don't white and Asian males get harassed as much as Black men?) Black men are more likely to be physically harassed by police officers. Race and gender are

I feel so bad for Native Americans, their culture has been mocked and stolen for decades. Then people have the nerve to justify their culture appropriation and whine about how their privilege to appropriate is been taken away.
Also if you are unaware of what culture appropriation, do some research. Quit being lazy.