
It is clear that some people seem to be unaware that Blacks are not represented well, especially when it comes to education. I literally had a guy in high school tell me, "since your Black you won't go to college". Do whites have to deal with negative stereotypes that say they are intellectually inferior, that their

No it is not. Whites respond to whites, some ads will not use non-whites for fears that whites will be upset for not being represented.
Why is it that minorities can not ask to be represented in ads? For example, I appreciate when Garnirr Fructis uses a Black model in ads. It says, "we recognize that Black women buy

I was honestly thinking this.

Maybe she is not a 1st or 2nd wave feminist but a Black feminists/womanist. Not all women follow the same form of feminism/womanism.

Didn't read. This is a old post. Move on.

I am shallow too. I only like athletic bodies. I like men who are strong too. I used to be a track runner at a D1 school so yeah I'm in shape. I know being shallow is "wrong" but I am willing to admit what I want.

Her skin is just so stunning!!! I am sorry to say I could not get past it to read the article.

Thank you for understanding what I wrote. I don't know why someone assumed that I was saying he deserved it. I don't have a problem with interracial dating or marriage (I'm open to all races). But I notice men of other races tend to show me attention when alcohol is involved. I always hate going to clubs and all of a

sigh I would tell you to research, but that second part to me tells me a)you won't b)that you are not open minded c) I wasted my time.

Reading is fundamental. I never said that he deserved it. I just said it comes from a different place than white racists, which it does. Never said they were right for doing, but I understand why they do it. They are releasing their frustration once again so it is not missed "I NEVER SAID IT WAS OKAY/RIGHT/JUSTIFIED.

Yeah, please read some black feminists writing. It sad to sere how people clearly are unaware of history or even what is taught is society. Also research intersectionality in regard to Black women. Research the controlling image of a black woman:the jezbel.

I like your comment. The "racist" comments from Black women come from a different place than white racist.

You might not know this, but you can have a chance being a father with a woman who wants to have your baby. You act as if you can't ever have a chance at being a father if a woman gets an abortion. Why force a woman to give birth to a child she does not want? Why not have a baby with a woman who wants a child? So you

How is fitspo harmful? From what I have seen, I didn't see it being a problem like thinspo. Maybe you have seen somethong I haven't.

How would your behavior reflected on Jews? You are an individual, and anyone who jugdes a whole group based on an individual has other problems.
I honestly don't think telling someone it not their job to educate you is rude. I think it is very privileged way of thinking to assume people that are different than you are

It does, as a Black woman I am tired of people treating me like I am the representative of all Black women. It is not my job to teach others. In addition, and individual only speaks for themselves. The problem with some people they think they can understand a whole group of people based on what one individual from

I guess you want to ignore the amount of Black women who are athletes. For example I ran track in college. Just about ever female sprinter had big butts and were very fit. Of course you are a troll who needs to put down Black women to feel better. Poor thing.

They are if it is out of wedlock, then the church is against it. The church looks down on babies born of parents that are not married. They believe you must remain a virgin until marriage. In addition some churches will not baptized babies born out of wedlock.

Shhhhh white feminist don't understand intersectionality or know the history of Black men in America. Of course they will ignore the history that WW have falsely accused Black men of rape. Jezebel is the same site that made fun of Chris Brown for being raped. Many white feminist only care about WW. It is also odd how

If you sound like a White Supremacist or begin with the phrase, "I'm not racist but" then yes you will be. This excuse has got to stop. We are talking about race, stop coming up with lies to stop it. Also being called a racist will not kill you or cause an illness, it may awaken you to understand the issues with race.