
eyeroll Here we go.
People like you are so annoying, you are very ignorant and think that telling people not to be offended fixes the problem. It must be hard to have people you laugh at demanding respect, hurting your fun, huh? Lmao.
The groups of people being mocked have a right to speak out against offensive jokes.

People need to stop using comedy as an excuse to be ignorant and hatful. Not to mention the people who defend it (they usually not in the group that it is being insulted by the joke).
Why can people accept that one has to be at least slightly ignorant/hateful to laugh/make at jokes that are promoting stereotypes and

I known a few Black women who have passed away from breast cancer, some who were young. I had a black female professer that researched breast cancer. I think more Black people need to be involved in research. In addition, I'm glad that they mentioned the history of experimenting on Blacks. Even my university's

I'm not sure how this relates to Blacks in America, you are talking about immigrates in Canada. Cancer is definitely talked about with Black US. In fact many Black people are supportive of those with cancer (a lot of times with prayer, but medical attention too). Never heard of Blacks being secretive about cancer,

I see what your saying, but I think it has to do with the fact that: sports especially football is a boy's club, even if a woman wanted to coach for free (volunteer coaches exist, had one on the track team) they would not want her; college sports has a certain amount of corruption and the boy's club seems fine with

Well from what I seen people are comfortable with women not having coaching power over a team that is a serious money maker, like men's basketball and football. Many times people just don't think women can coach well. I know this is false but I bet if one were to ask, "could a woman coach a football or men's

I was thinking this too. If her shot was not feminist, it is at least feminist-leaning.

When I did track in divsion 1 college, we had a female head coach. She could put serious fear into just about anyone. I think there is a lot of pressure on female coaches compared to male coaches. In addition, it like a woman has to be feared (and disliked) to get respect as a coach, while people are more likely to

Right, asking for more diversity is pessimistic! Shut up POC, they always are complaining about something. POC are always tearing things down when they complain about wanting more diversity. /sarcasm

Thank you, her driving drunk is another issue, the issue at hand is that she was murdered for knocking on someone's door.

I do not blame the woman who called 911. I would not know what to do either, you cannot force a person who is injured to stay. She may have said that.

I do not support drunk driving. My point is that how was she a threat to the man that shot her? She did not crash her car into his house, nor was she planning on robbing a man after getting on a car accident drunk.

“She just kept saying she wanted to go home,” Beasley said while testifying in court.

Ah, I'm on my phone wish I read this first. Thanks for the heads up.

Lies. They do offer examples, clearly you failed at researching it. I will give you an example, a white feminist said to my Black feminists/womanist friend that you can only choose either to fight against racism or sexism. Another white feminist said that racism is excuseable but not sexism is not. Other times white

I agree with the other person you are entitled. When I first learned about transgender people I did not pressure and complain to them to teach me. I took it into my own hands. This will sound rude but have you been to college? Have you written a research paper? If you did a research paper did you find your own sources

Really? That is a part of the problem. Have you ever talked to Black feminist, read any work done by Black feminist? Some White feminist tend to ignore WOC issues (especially if it involves a white feminist being disrespectful to POC), have no understanding of intersectionality impact, and think that their problems

I think some feminists need to look at themselves before judging some else if they are feminist enough. Or some feminists need to be aware of their issues. Can't say how many times certain feminists ignore their own privilege, complain about how hard it is being an ally, and/or ignore intersectionality. Then they have

Your comments are the few comments that can combat all the ignorance being posted here. Thank you!

You know those groups of people have multiple cultures right? There is not a single "Black culture" and a single "Hispanic" culture. Also I find it funny you could not answer the other person's question on what you meant but rather call them dumb rather than explain your vague (ignorant) statement.