ann coultergeist

I have always viewed political correctness as a modern extension of the Golden Rule. But I guess “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a pretty rotten message to pass on to the next generation. A world where everyone contemplates how their words and actions affect others would be a pretty terrible

Yeah if Bey is worried about money I would like to have a word

“I’ll bet Jay and Bey change diapers for their twins”

a. Michelle Obama would never run and lacks the experience necessary to be The President.

lol shut up her voice is insane. i thought she sounded strained last night - but in a good way. she was emotional and just letting it out on stage.

So what would you call people who voted for a ticket that featured a Presidential Nominee who was fined for refusing to rent to black and Latino people, who helped railroad innocent youths of color, and who based his entire pitch on “fear brown people?” Oh yeah, his VP thinks LGBTQ people must be cured of their

Of course she doesn’t. She voted for Trump, then when Trump turned on her, she just went “Oh well..” and went right on supporting him.

If I injured / killed people in a car accident I myself alone caused - I would need sooo much therapy to save me from killing myself.

TMZ reports Monday that Tyga may get arrested for failing to pay Riekena’s settlement, as a bench warrant was put out for him “after he failed to show up to a court hearing.”

I found your comment substantially more interesting than the one you replied to.

Omarosa was a cast member on the reality show The Surreal Life, the same season that co-starred Janice Dickinson and Jose Conseco. Once upon a time I was a photo editor working for the people who made the show and it was my job to show up to the house and organize cast portrait day.

Are we supposed to have this many teeth?

I did watch. Omarosa lost any high ground when she said that other woman was racist for using the expression pot kettle black. That was fucking ridiculous. Screw her.

I watch reality TV.

As I understand it, she asked his permission, or at least gave him a heads up, before she published the book.

This. She’s fulfilling her end of the contract and doing it willingly.

Her and Ivanka get this pretty white women force field that shields them from their own shitty behavior. Melania pushed the birther issue, made excuses for her husband and decided being rich was worth more than not being an asshole.

Counterpoint: I’m quite pleased to see it here.

In your opinion.