I’m from New Jersey, and when The Sopranos came out a couple years after I left the state. It was kind of cool having everyone assume we were all mobbed up. Then this shit happened.
I’m from New Jersey, and when The Sopranos came out a couple years after I left the state. It was kind of cool having everyone assume we were all mobbed up. Then this shit happened.
I got to the part in the first sentence where it says the overseas version is called “Macaroni Rascals” and couldn’t read any further because of being dead. Dead of laughter.
The Canadian version is called “Echo Beach”, and each episode is roughly an hour of people being aggressively polite toward one another.
I don’t understand how you don’t have a moral problem with Olivia murdering.
This episode was amazing.
Obviously that’s not true; I call someone a “footballer” right there in the review!
And other things Trump supporters say. In addition to actually killing people, like that guy who just pleaded guilty to murdering that Indian engineer the other day. Or dude who slashed those guys throats on a train.
You keep stay in that alternate reality bubble, though. White people smh.
Bring your face closer. I can’t punch it from there.
There’s no such thing as the alt left, nerd. The rest of your comment is also bad.
The democratically elected president is not a fascist.
“Fascist” and “right-wing authoritarian moron” are rightly interchangeable in the parlance of our times.
“None of these people are shutting down free speech. None of these people are advocating for the use of violence against people over political opinions.”
Bro, it’s a movie.
I’m still mad that freaking Roger Ailes merited an “In Memoriam” last year.
The fucksticks in the Academy snubbed Joan Rivers; they will never not fuck this up.
Though it’s funny I remember before Dark Knight came out there was a huge amount of skepticism about Ledger and whether he’d be able to do the role justice given how iconic and celebrated the Jack Nicholson version was.