ann coultergeist

Nikki was hit with accusations of an affair when she ran for governor in SC. I’ll also note she was referred to as a “raghead” and other delightful slurs by people in her own party. This rumor isn’t founded in any reality at all and seems like a pretty redundant way to insult a woman of color—“oh, she just slept her

tell us how you really feel, darling, I don’t think any of us could hear you the first fifty times

Trump-supporting Democrats are people like my parents who haven’t voted blue since Jimmy Carter, but are too lazy to go change their party registrations.

You’re right, she probably doesn’t give a shit about winning music’s biggest award.

During the election, someone pointed out to me that Barbara Bush would probably have a lot of opinions about Trump’s gold penthouse apartment, and that has become my own little joke about how much actual wealthy people hate Trump.

She’s a Trumpkin. She gets zero sympathy from me.

If it walks like a Trump supporter and quacks like a Trump supporter, it probably has no regard for human life whatsoever.

Also, leave it to Jezebel to whine about “Bodak Yellow” not winning anything, but not even mention the tone-deaf homophobia she has demonstrated this month.

“Forget about the Grammys” is cool for people who will never be close to a Grammy to say, but young artists like SZA who have worked their entire lives for one would probably disagree with you.

She gave him a heads up and he seemingly consented. No legal action was taken, at the very least.

Surprise: you don’t get to decide what’s “feminist” about a marriage you’re not involved in.

I knew a lot of folks who worked on the 2016 campaign and they have all mentioned that she’s a funny lady. And she can hold her liquor, apparently. I don’t think she’s as dull as everyone wants her to be.

They’re still not doing great and it will continue to escalate but yeah let’s just pretend that things are better now.

I really don’t miss these days, but I would trade what we have now for them for the rest of my life.

Russian bots are about to learn about Reba McEntire, Colonel Sanders, and that for some reason, their Trump friends are really passionate about these things.

Didn’t he once pledge to undergo waterboarding to prove it isn’t torture?

I unapologetically love this movie. I took a comics studies class and we watched/listened to a lot of crappy superhero media from the early days. When we finally got to the BIG SUPERMAN MOVIE, it was such a relief and so much fun that I felt like a kid watching it again. It was a pretty cool experience to see how

“Release the baby touchers” is apparently a political talking point now.

Are we just pretending misguided trans acceptance is a white thing now...

It’s an extremely basic truth, but okay.