Cooking a meal really is like setting your heart out on a platter; having it brutally rejected is absolutely personal. Don’t cook for a while and see how they like them apples.
The reason I ask is because they huff and puff if I don’t make something that they like...even though they won’t tell me what that is. My son is 13. No one can complain like a kid that age. Either he complains or the two of them just pick at it and then an hour later eat cereal.
Exactly - this is to deflect attention from his association with NAMBLA, which is well documented on the internet.
The first episode ended with the same “these are just theories, don’t sue!” screen. I only watched because the doc will be discussed on a podcast I listen to - in hindsight I should’ve ignored CBS’s 4 hours of speculation and skipped this week’s podcast.
I have polycystic ovary syndrome, and during my first week at my first Post College Adult Job my uterus decided that a dramatic entrance was necessary. There I am, sitting in a meeting trying not to let the sheer amount of pain show on my face because of the cramping, when something starts to I excused…
No, it’s actually much, much worse for women.
Except religion has nothing to do with this. It’s all about male privilege, and speaking as a male, it’s embarrassing and stupid. Apparently, some of us men still haven't come out of the cave, mentally.
Men. Religious men. Religion. All fucking stupid.
Sarah Palin Unedited is a series featuring full, unaltered transcripts of one Alaskan’s public ramblings. If you…
It was 95 this week. I wore jeans, leather knee-high boots, a tank top, light merino wool sweater, and a scarf to the office. Half an hour in, when it was 102 with the heat index outside, I had to turn my space heater on because I was so cold my nose was running. And I wasn’t the only one.
This is the first dispatch from Meredith’s new baking column, Nothing Fancy.
Man, what am I even supposed to say? Goodbyes can sniff my dong.
For curly wurly hair, this stuff is an absolute holy grail.
In case anyone's wondering, the overly-specific German word for this phenomenon is mooboomscheisse
Whatsamatta witchoo kids today? Haven't you ever watched Bugs Bunny? Sheesh, I'm old.
Level one is a Q-Tip in the ear.
For the record, I always have Level 5 orgasms.