
Not necessarily, but I’m sure it will at least cover his origin to some degree.

Are we not supposed to cry by ourselves while listening to Sara Bareilles’ entire catalog? I’m doing it wrong.

So there will be someone hitting themselves in the face with a pillow?

“I would let you poop on my chest even if you had just finished eating Taco Bell #nohomo.”

Damn. That picture makes them look like a pair of Scandinavian seers in the 8nth century you’d have to take a gift of shrooms to so they could tell you all the horrible shit that was gonna happen to you while cackling.

I’m in the grays but am enough of a long-time Jez reader to know of your commitment to this noble cause. We salute you.

It's so exciting when this one shows up.

I haven’t seen you around these parts for SO LONG! Don’t be a stranger. Long time commenters NEED you on here.

do you have like a google alert for anything fashion related on jezebel

I’ll put that in my box labeled “To Care About When I Care About Making Men Happy” along with ‘shaving my legs regularly’ and ‘getting good at giving blowjobs’.

I have a beautiful boner for Hader, thankyouverymuch

normal boner


Right, because the internet hates Deadpool. I’m sure you’re going to catch a ton of flak for your brave stance. /s

OMG, I didn’t even see the date!!! WAHAHAHAHA!!! Article repost FAIL! ;)

Ya know... I’m never going to be that beautiful, because I never was. But maybe it’d be possible to grow up to be that cool?

Fucking click bait, you got my hopes up because I thought she would go up to space, the first fictional and real life astronaut and first actress in space. Damn you all to hell

LLL told me to quit my job because I was unresponsive to the pump & obviously breast milk for #4 was more important than feeding, clothing, housing etc the rest of the family.

These photographs are very Kate Chopin, The Awakening.

Also, I love your handle.