
I think the standard should be the same as it is for work in my profession as a historian: you cite your sources.

We can’t begrudge or forbid artists from sampling others works. Sometimes, sampling or copying can be downright iconic...look at Van Gogh’s copies of Millet’s work as an example...but even these works are

Now playing

Also it reminds me of this very emotional My Heart Will Go On rendition

Texts from my goofy Dad:

I wrote this in reply to another comment but I had to share it again because it is peak Dad goofy.

My Dad, whom y’all saw a couple of days ago in the vintage Dad pics post, had a grocery store in front of the house. In the back, he had racks where he’d keep among other things carbonated water in those containers, along with wine, etc. Mom used to tell me (because I lost him when I was 10 months old to a vicious

If there is one thing that Sleepy Hollow taught me is that no premise is too ridiculous to stop it from being decent TV.

I love you too! This has nothing to do with Rachel Dolezal but I came up with a new life plan for you. Someone was like, “Jezebel should have a parenting blog” and I was like, “Yeah it should, and you know who should write for it? LaComtesse is who.” So that is my new dream for Jezebel. That, and an advice column from

Previous seasons I would have said Poussey (cause she is super cute and we can be in a book club on the lam) or Flaca (we could listen to the Cure and the Smiths as we drive our get-away car into the sunset) but after this season, Cindy / Tova. She fucking killed it this season. I must have rewound every scene she was

As part of a heterosexual couple who adopted out of foster care, I have serious disdain for anyone who advises a couple to “Just adopt.” That’s like telling someone who is having trouble finding a house, “Just go to the moon, start a moon-city, and live there. What? Are you too good for the moon? You need to take the

Yeah, why only one sic in the quotation? They could have been sprinkled throughout, like ants at a picnic...

I like this person. I don’t know why except they are the epitome of “keeping it one hunnad” about why the fuck they don’t wanna do the job. Is Paris Hilton available? Any other MC? Help this person out! Anyone with rhythm and computer....Rachel Dolezal? I KNOW your ass learned to spit back at those house parties in

In my state of NC, wild boar are a big problem. It’s open hunting season on them because we’re trying to eradicate them. Those fuckers will kill and eat you without a second though. And they destroy everything.

I wish I could say that I’m surprised by the amount of people defending her but I can’t. White women can pretty much get away with anything. Must be nice. *waits for angry white female commentators to complain*

Well, when I was arrested for arson, I told the judge I identify as a dragon, and burning shit up is what I do. He was cool with that.

When I was a kid I used to dream about being English and I would walk around speaking in a (terrible) English accent and asking for a spot of tea and a pudding and whatnot.

People like you are ruining conference comedy for our most romantic and confidently nose-haired Nobelists! And Seinfeld is on his way to your house in his third favorite Porsche to tell you all about it.

during the whole gladiator scene i was actively and loudly rooting for jorah to die because YES FINALLY but then of course he just milady’d himself all over the place to save the day

Not religious, but in 2010, most gowns were still strapless (this was before the Big Royal Wedding), so it was really hard for me to find something - especially one that wouldn’t overwhelm my shape. Ended up with this:

This is so exciting, because Rochel Leah did my dress when I got married and I have been waiting for the world to discover her greatness. She was literally the highlight of my wedding planning. NOTHING else was as easy as working with her, even my wedding planners were more difficult. She totally accommodated my