
Projection is exactly the right word. I mean, jesus christ:

Eh? It’s MY facebook page so I’ll post what I like. My family finds it easy to share on facebook so that’s what we do. My kids aren’t the only thing that I post pics of - I am also still me. But if people really can’t stand to see a pic of my kid, they probably don’t need to be friends with me. I don’t need to see 50

This! I’ve never understood the widen list of things we’re not supposed to post pics about on social media because it might make someone feel bad about their life. Well what the fuck is social media for then? I post pics mostly for two reasons, 1. to document the moment such as today’s post of my kids last day of

Have you seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier? Shandling plays an evil senator and there’s a part where he leans in to whisper “Hail Hydra” into his minion’s ear and it’s basically an extreme close up of Shandling’s lips. *shudder* I’ve rewatched CATWS many, many times but I always have to look away during that

As the only child in my large family without kids (yet) and also living away from my family, I welcome baby photos as a way to keep in touch. However I have two pet peeves:

Can we talk about parents who change their profile pics to an image of their child? And I mean JUST the child, not mother and/or father & child. There’s some kind of creepy “this is the only significant part of my life now” identity shift going on there and I can’t be the only person to think this.

I will take your baby pics over your multi-level marketing bullshit Facebook posts ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Cheerful, whimsical photos of kids on social media are representations, in this way, of money. They represent stacks of bills.

Anyways, I don't really give a shit what Random Internet Friend says. My 82 year old grandmother wants pics, and she kind of takes priority. Unfollow.

I don't think you need to feel obligated to like shit. Tbh, I rarely do and I'm one of the crazies posting the pics. The only people I expect to hit like are my mum, my granny, and maybe my sister.

I will bet $10,000 that those parents would not notice if you didn’t “like” it. I unfollowed most of the parents in my network because I gdaf about babies/kids and no one is mad at me for not liking their photos, just like I’m not mad at anyone for not “liking” my beach pics from vacation (the #1 “If you didn’t have

People who get irrationally upset over baby photos freak me out. It is the MOST INNOCUOUS SHIT EVER. No weirder than anything else friends post.

Jessica Lange was in a beautiful HBO movie where her husband transitions to a woman called “Normal” she was lovely then and lovely now

Ya you might want to look into getting right with Jesus because clearly God abandoned you that day.

By the same token, I don’t understand why people think pictures of children are something shameful that need to hidden away. The world doesn’t need to see the great majority of pictures posted on Facebook, and most people don’t choose whether or not to post photos of themselves, their families, and their lives on

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

Wordy McWord. It’s cub-petting and it’s disgusting. And you also can’t tell me that Khloe doesn’t know/remember when Beyoncé was called out about this very thing last year.

I know! And I hate that I know it. I want to un-know it so hard. *chews on grass and barfs again, but this time directly on the living room carpet in full view of everyone and then walks away like nothing even happened and meows for more food*

Puppy is transferring the Tom Hardy kiss that it knows the lady secretly wants. What a thoughtful puppy.

No, its Becky