
So it’s okay for Joan to kiss people’s asses on the red carpet and then say on Fashion Police they look like a warmed over turd, but Kathy saying Joan’s comedy was old fashioned is “shitting on Joan’s memory”?

...and your mother made a career out of shitting on people.

I posted the following in a similar thread.

Unless it’s a blood test, the pregnancy tests they give women at hospitals are exactly the same as at-home tests.

Sounds like she’s actually not the worst doula out there, either.

Snark aside, this young woman sounds like she’s truly got her shit together. I’m actually really impressed by her, and I think she should be really proud of herself the way she seems to have grown up and is using the skills that she learned through therapy and rehab to improve her life and the lives of others.

Eh, I much prefer any kind of bob, including the Rachel, to this creepy “all women must have long hair” trend.

I think she meant Valerine Bertnernie.

This is about as erotic as watching your dog eat its own puke. Which, I mean, that’s cool if it gets you going and all, but it’s not the norm, you understand.

Glad to know it’s not just me. Omega 3 is basically the only supplement I’ve ever taken with any kind of regularity, but I just can’t with the fish burps anymore. The day I burped while sitting at the dinner table and my cat came running to smell my breath is when I said “enough is enough” to Omega 3.

I like to point this out to my partner sometimes. Like, he’ll ask me to do something, and I’ll say, “ugggghhh I caaaaaan’t I am simply too heavily laden with all your sperm hanging around inside of me from yesterday.”

Someone please “curate a line” that is inspired by my daughter’s insane pattern mixing.

lol i have never seen that BBC article until now. you’ll notice that the woman on Twitter i linked to in the first graf linked to this NPR story, which is where i read it for the first time, last night. you sound fun :)

Counterpoint: pregnancy

My middle aged bod is going to wear a comfy flowy dress on warm days and too friggin’ bad if anyone else doesn’t like it. And I’d like to add that sitting on the grass in a sloppy lotus position while wearing a maxi dress with a small human sitting in the hammock created by the fabric trumps any smug criticism of how

When I was pregnant last summer, long jersey maxi dresses were my lifesaver. I could wear them to the office, they fit no matter how huge my midsection grew, and they hid my huge swollen puffy ankles and feet. Don’t hate on the maxi dresses!

Frankly, IDGAF. They’re comfy as hell, and have been around forever. Long live the maxi.

I'm going to start drawing my lips from my forehead to my nipples and no one can stop me.

This whole article was written with no mention of the term dadbod. I don’t know if I’m impressed or disappointed.
