
No I'm saying don't diminish what me and my nurses do. I have plenty of empathy - all I ask is that people don't pretend to degrees of professionalism they don't have. I'm not a doctor to my child - I'm a mom. If he's sick, we go to the pediatrician. Its called knowing and understanding boundaries.

Yeah. I don't mind complaining but be entertaining about it. I feel like getting together with some other parents, they forget the social obligation to be interesting. Kid swearing stories tend to be good. Almost anything that ends, "that's when she threw up in my mouth" is a keeper. Listing the individual times your

Ya know...I am a SAHM and some days I love it and some days I hate it. And the days I love it I will tell everyone I love it. And the days I hate it, I will also tell everyone I hate it. Not because one is better than the other, but because I value honesty, and I think it is important that women on the other side of

This is a conversation I've had frequently. Before having Cheeze Slice, I managed Subways for about a decade. For my industry, I was paid pretty well and generally enjoyed my job.

Each individual task related to child care is not actually that hard. I think that's why some people have trouble understanding why stay-at-home parents may struggle. For me, it's the psychology of it all.

I feel like maybe this woman's complaint maybe comes from that annoying thing people do where you're chatting with a pal and you say "Man, today was really shitty, I have a fever and so does my kid and the dishwasher leaked all over the floor and I had to clean the whole house, I'm exhausted." and you're just shooting

I am a SAHM and I get ragey any time one of those things shows up on Facebook.

I just think there's far too many moms out there, in far too many circumstances, to really justify condemning a whole swath of moms in one broad brush stroke.

What kind of Yoga Nerd would I be if I didn't stick up for my pants??

Yeah, no. The SAHM gig is hard. I couldn't do it. Tried it, didn't like it, MUCH prefer working outside the home. And I am privileged to have a partner who DOES stay at home, and for whom it is a job/craft/art that absolutely has its challenges and that absolutely wears him out. He doesn't need my permission to

Life lessons for everyone on earth.

Everybody needs to vent, but I think she must mean a subset of people who post 5-10 complaints a day on social media. People who post things like "Just got kids dressed for school, now relaxing with a cup of coffee. Why are mornings so haaaaaard", you know?

You're a bit backwards, here. GG was created specifically *for* harassing women - at the time, it was specifically Zoe Quinn, although it quickly spread to 'everyone who GG sees as a "SJW" scumbag'. It was only later that others began to claim, "Nuuu, it's about game journalism! It's totally a righteous cause!" even

I mean, to me frugality is next to godliness, but maybe just institute the let it mellow routine instead? <sigh> I'm clearly on the losing end of this battle.

Sprouts are a great way to get E. coli. I picked up a group JJ order for lunch at work the other day (NOT HAPPENING AGAIN JIMMY JOHN!) and my coworker got sprouts and I'm just like have a nice funeral. (P.S. happily, she didn't die.)

Because feminists are a part of these things. Feminists are not a separate class of people who abstain from all media, descending only to criticize problematic aspects. Feminists listen to rap music and read Game of Thrones and watch movies, and yes, play games.

I've played game for my entire life, but feminism made me

Just going to butt in to say it's really weird that you get frustrated by feminists discussing things that "don't matter" and yet here you are investing your time arguing about people arguing about things that "don't matter". If it really doesn't matter to you, move on and ignore it, why spend your time desperately

They make such a huge deal about words not having that much weight and then turn around and complain about freeze peaches and censorship.

It's actually worse than Zoe Quinn being the bridge too far. They're still largely ignoring the actually corruption between game news sites and the AAA studios and publishers, and targeting (almost exclusively) indie devs and individual reporters. (Almost everyone they target is either female or a man who they think

Just shut up. It is SO tiring to hear this defense of GamerGate. GamerGate is not some heroic defense of a lifestyle and valiant charge against ethical issues in reporting. It's a bunch of boys scared by women with a voice. And they respond to being scared by spewing out some of the most vile misogynistic crap I have