
I enjoy how The Mindy Project approaches sex - adults have it, in a variety of situations. Sometimes they feel great afterwards, sometimes they regret it, and it's not a huge overwhelming deal if they have a one-night stand that doesn't work out. They're clumsy, they're confused, they're having's so much more

I just had a job interview and while I didn't end up getting it (booo) I am very confident it wasn't because I'm pregnant, because I'm very confident no one noticed even though I'm 7 months and was wearing a maternity dress! It is sometimes a bummer to have to tell people flat out that I'm pregnant when I see them

one of my toddlers was pulling hair out of the drain the other day. Part of me was like "omg, that's disgusting, I should stop that." And part if me was like "well, someone's gotta pull that stuff up and he's having fun, soooo..." Long story short, the drain has now been declogged.

I'm sorry, have you been here before? You are going to get so flamed with the stuff you are saying I can practically read the responses in front of my eyes as I read your comment. You are pushing in to Nice Guy (TM) territory and you are about to have your ass handed to you.

..........that had nothing to do with god or heaven or anything. She was talking about meeting pregnancy again, in vague terms. Reread it.

But seriously, who the fuck cares if she does believe in heaven? You're being awfully hateful.

He got the "nicer bedroom" instead of his sister. Since it is a bedroom that was originally a den, and that we have to cross to get to certain parts of the house, I figured the only non-gross child should have it. So now he is set up with a 42" tv and gaming system, living the high life.

Typical misandrist. Forcing boys to train to be able to be functioning independent adults

"The fault here is any parent who doesn't feel this is essential training for boys, too. "

I've already decided on an epidural, and I'm not pregnant and don't plan on being pregnant anytime soon, lol. As for your second c-section, I have nothing to say to you except *hugs*. You poor, poor thing. That is one hell of a combination.

Yeah, I mean, I LOVE history. I'm a HUGE history nerd, especially for medieval and Renaissance England. But you know what was really fun? Marathoning The Tudors while sitting on my ass on a comfy couch and eating Chipotle burritos that had very little chance of spreading bubonic plague.

I don't know about anyone else, but I totally laughed my ass off when Henry's business card showed him working for the law firm of "Parrish & Cipher." I mean, they might as well have printed it with "Fake Law Firm, est. 15 min. ago." But I loved it, just like all the other Sleepy Hollow wackiness. I have so much

The struggle is real in the grays

Whatever, haters. I want a vagina so small I have to use Q-tips as tampons. A pussy so tight it leaves nothing to the imagination. A twat so tiny it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a dick to fit in there. A chocha so itsy-bitsy it's like throwing a hot dog down Polly Pocket's hallway.

I always thought it was pretty clear, Kristy was the lesbian. And also Ann M. Martin in real life.

OK, non-mom here who just does not get the whole "real" childbirth thing. Did you give birth to a child? Then it's real! Is everyone safe and healthy? Then everything is good!

I have a similar friend who had a similar birthing experience. Refused induction despite being tiny and overdue. Labored for a really long time and refused drugs and surgery until she was exhausted. Sample FB posts: "My body and my baby's body are healthy and strong. They set the timeline for the pregnancy, not a

Jesus, and for some people, it's like this for everything. Like I bristle when people get overly judgmental about breastfeeding, pointing out that you can't know someone else's life and there are plenty of reasons someone might not breastfeed and as long as the child is being fed (formula is a miracle of science at

I always hate the near-accusation that you, an adult woman, and a mother moreover, got strongarmed into an unnecessary surgery by a big, mean doctor who just wanted to get back to his golf game. It is just possible that you made the best decision for you and your kid with the information you had at the time,

Yes yes, all of this is true, but...

"Henry's plan to cause the triumph of evil in Sleepy Hollow is to circulate a Judas Coin"