
I'm sometimes amazed at how she can convey an emotion simply by the way her lips barely move around her teeth...if that makes any sense at all

Oh, that's weird. I thought that hamburger is made from ground-up citizens of Hamburg, Germany. Is there shrimp in that?

I wonder why the Marc Jacobs Conspiracy Theorist Extraordinaire hasn't answered your call. Is her google alert broken? Is she designing more outfits for powerful and influential fashun men to steal? WHERE IS SHE?

Right? This is some next-level fart A-game.

Marilyn Hagerty is still hotter than me, and I've come to terms with it thank you goodbye.

"Do you want to go to college?" Frozen remix? I want all the words. Please. I know all the advice in these comments is "just say no" but please don't say no to me.

This post has been up for four whole minutes and I am the first to praise this line "we sang her our Frozen remix called 'Do you want to go to college?' " ? Is there something wrong with the internet?

I hate Kyle. He better get it together now or he is profoundly fucked. My 12 year old stepdaughter asked for a four wheeler for Christmas because her stepdad got one and we sang her our Frozen remix called "Do you want to go to college?" Kyle would've bought the stupid thing and then blamed the outdoor recreation

My Mother in Law tells one of my all-time favourite stories about this kind of thing:

When my daughter was four she asked what her "front butt" was called. And I told her that it was her labia. And she said, "LABIA?!!? THAT'S a STUPID name! I'm gunna call it HOT LAVA instead." After I died from trying to choke back the laughter, I reminded her we don't say stupid.

Yeah, at our house had no word for vagina as kids. But the penis was a "diddle daddle." I can't even say that aloud anymore without laughing my ass off.

I love that those awful Nature Valley sawdust and wood chip bars rank lower than fruit fly carcasses.

I'm assuming we're talking drywall here? How do you even tell the Nature Valley bars from the wall itself?

I seriously don't understand the hate for spoilers. A story is just as enjoyable if I know how it ends.

I think they're lovely! But I love octopi with all my heart. They are so smart and strange!

Not sure if I'm just appearing here in a window before a deluge of comments or something, but I am so grateful no one has made any stupid jokes about this. This is a painful, horrible, debilitating condition. It makes my head hurt to think about it. I feel terrible for this guy.

So glad Kate Hudson is not doing this. Amy Adams is enchanting in everything she does. Kate Hudson makes me feel like I've been drugged.

You must not be a mom. That wasn't really funny at all and I have a VERY dark sense of humor and usually find your comments very funny. Unless you have lost a child or been at risk of losing your child, this is a topic I recommend you stay away from if you don't want to offend people. If you don't really care, well

Yeah, that was probably the lowest point in internet commenting history. What is this, 4chan?

"I'm allergic to crunchy and they gave me crunchy things which I could not eat because of my allergies."