
Dating Chris Martin I can understand. But knowing all the lyrics to Coldplay songs? Some things are unforgivable....

This kind of reminds me of how some atheists need to constantly point out their status as non-believers, and degrade others for believing in "the grown up version of the Easter Bunny."

I would say the same in reverse. I want to be a parent and while I don't hate kids, I'm not a "kid person." I enjoy being around them and have worked with them, but I don't find them to be the most thrilling thing. But I want a family because I love my family and would like to increase it. It's not like they exist

I guess I get defensive with childless people who go on and on and on about it because it feels like they need to bash the decision to have children in order to make themselves feel OK about their decision not to.

Then justify it specifically to the people giving you shit and leave the rest of us alone. If you are happy with your decision that is awesome, but pushing back on the decision I am happy with making strikes me as a little disingenuous and often makes me feel like some childless people really aren't all that thrilled

see this excuse doesn't work. Cuz you know what happens when you have kids?

Yeah I've noticed this. It's weirdly hostile. I give zero shits if you do or don't have kids. Why are you SO ANGRY I chose to have one? I don't talk about it, I don't think I'm better than's just a life choice I made. I see many child free holier than thou people. It's annoying.

I would be an extra again just to be around Tom Mison, I mean damn. Also he's a stand up proper British gent so I assume we would read poetry and talk about our respective lives appropriately.

I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.

Holy crap. Until this moment I had assumed every forest in the show had been the real deal.

These are really great conversations to have, definitely, but as a side note, can we all just get along? I have a 15 month old son and he is obviously the biggest thing in my life right now. I go out of my way to temper the amount I talk about him at work or on social media or to my childless friends. I would

This is so cool! I cannot wait for this show to come back. It was definitely the best new show of last year's network season (obviously not counting Orphan Black since that was in the spring, because duh that takes the top spot). Do you know what episode you will appear in? Also, is Tom Mison as tall IRL as he appears

Yep, that looks shopped. I can tell by the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time.

Blossom needs something to do, since she used to write about how attachment parenting, with her kids sleeping in the same bed as her and her husband, totally didn't have a negative impact on her relationship... and then she got divorced. So she sorta can't write about that anymore.

Seemingly, she likes avoiding proper medical care for her children, for starters...

yeah. honestly, i'm all about dem feels and all, but fuck their feelings! stop throwing shit on the ground when the next bin is 80% likely to be within the next 5-10 ft. i really don't get people sometimes.

No matter how nice you are about it, people who litter are going to be offended if you call them out on it. Might as well do it in the most satisfying way possible!

this is why i only ever hook up with the girls from tinder because one time i hooked up w/ this guy

Sounds like a question for Jolie Kerr!

I'm a T1 diabetic too. Sorry for your boy :-( My best advice would be, if your insurance allows it, to get him on the insulin pump ASAP. Sometimes doctors due to financial considerations make it seem like it's not the best treatment option, but it absolutely is. Granted, I don't know what the age minimum for a pump