
Dora and Friends: Into the City (11-11:30 a.m., NICK) - After the tragic murder of Boots by Swiper the Fox, Dora attempts to escape her past and moves to the city for a new life. Will the nightmares ever stop?

I wonder if her mom will be arrested if she is playing alone in a NYC park with only her smart phone and map app.

I don't love this idea. Part of the fun of satirical articles is reading them in the knowledge that someone will take it all seriously and share it to their friends while stating their outrage.

FWIW, I don't think you were being a brat when you refused to answer your mother's calls. I think you were trying to set some much-needed boundaries with someone who had very little respect for yours. Everyone gets that it wouldn't be ok for a partner to treat you like that, and just cuz she's your mom doesn't

I don't have to everyday, but mine will usually message when she sees me on Gmail. Though since the icon sometimes lights up when I'm on my phone, she had to learn not to freak out when I didn't answer because I was out doing something.

Nic Cage? Well, at least that's who I pictured as 'Elvis' :-)

It hates children children, but it lovvvvves fetuses.

America hates children, plain and simple.

So instead of finding ways to get her resources for caring for her children, they... strip her of more resources by throwing her in jail? This makes sense.

You interrupted his Precious Moment.

I, for one, welcome you if you're one of the good ones! We just don't want the miserable, obnoxious producers' assistants and their ilk.

If only your coffee shop offered monogramed coffee thermoses, they wouldn't have dared mess with you.

"She lasted two more years before quitting the industry altogether and now lives in Portland."

i ship jlaw and hiddles now. that sounds fab.

He really looks like a paint swatch from the Many Moods Of Eggshell collection became sentient.

You figured out how something works, that's for sure.

I'm happy that the mood was better yesterday, but there is no way that it makes up for what happened over the previous days. I feel like people are going, "now it's over, everything is fine." But it's NOT FINE. There are a lot more names that need to be released, including the police officers that unlawfully

Trans women are affected by our society's neverending obsession with conflating womanness and pregnancy, that any women who can't reproduce are damaged goods or not women. This is part of the background, part of the socialisation trans women absorb, too. The impact is different, and I make no statement about its

You're right that I haven't experienced the same things; I've lived my life trying to force myself to be masculine despite my femininity, or womanhood.

Blah blah blah, we've all heard your bigoted nonsense before.