
One, I actually grew up extremely poor, so I don't have any class. Two, I don't wear thongs, I just wrote this piece about the phenomenon. Thanks for your insight!

Team Granny Panties

Thanks for saying this so I didn't have to! Panty lines be damned. Me and my grannies 4EVAR.

I've tried them a couple of times, in the 90s, because friends were insisting I should try and persist. Every single time I would get so cranky after a couple of hours, and then realize it was because there was a thong in my butt. I hate them. They're gross. They are ugly. They give you yeast infections. Why bother?

Easy solution: don't wear thongs.

that wasn't Mark. That was a different guy. He was a horrible writer and most people on here couldn't stand him even before that awful write up. He got his ass handed to him and he either quit or got fired.

Its the fast paint from Portal 2.

I can't wait for Sleepy Hollow to come back just so I can yell at Katrina again.

I dated by husband for four years and have been married for almost two. We've had disagreements, including fairly serious ones, but talk things out before the pressure builds to a full-blown fight. Different couples have different communication styles.

Blanda Eggenschwiler is probably also what Ann is called when Arrested Development episodes are dubbed into German.

Blanda Eggenschwiler sounds like what you would say to a server in Germany if you wanted to send back a sub-par omelette.

I am still not over Roy becoming a worthwhile person while Jim became a huge selfish shithead. /bitter

Meeting my husband really illuminated love for me. I had intellectually understood that there are different kinds of love, but experiencing the quiet, "slow boil" love for him was a revelation. It wasn't the passionate, fiery love of my teenage years that burned hot like the sun - I don't think that comes around

I still occasionally think of this twitter exchange and laugh:

I have to have a hipsteresque moment to quietly whine about the fact that I loved him way back when he was on Everwood and have lovingly been devoted to his career ever since. And I'm a little hacked off that everyone is obsessing about him BECAUSE I SAW HIM FIRST.

"But on the other hand, the "we can work it out" attitude can go awry, too. Believing that love is all about work might lead some people to waste time and energy trying to "fix" a doomed relationship, when perhaps they should have long ago moved on." This was my big lesson. I've done it way too many times.

It does sounds terrifying. I used to have recurring nightmares when I was a kid and they were pretty scary. Being awake in the dark while everyone else in the house slept was the most stressful time and I would always sleep with my head under the covers. I'm still somewhat afraid of the dark and I'm 30. I guess I'm

That story is from Sorcia McNasty. She reposted it last year (by popular demand) and offered up a few theories. Spoiler alert: they were all creepy as hell.

Also: Our house is totally haunted and I would tell you the story but I want to win the Halloween story contest this year.

Yes. Yes it is. But I blame Bleu Cheese dude. At $20 a pop, about twice a month, that's ~$480 a year he was spending on bowls of bleu *hork* .... excuse me a moment... *gag* on bowls of *blerggggggggh* Nope, can't finish the sentence.