
I think you have an unrealistic view of surrogacy. It doesn't matter where in the world you find a surrogate, and no matter how well you think she'll follow your instructions "to the letter", you can't control another woman's body to that extent regardless of what the contract says.

Pro choice emphatically does NOT mean that a wealthy couple can force an impoverished woman they pay to carry their child to have an abortion. The choice to have an abortion lies with the woman carrying the child. Period.

I know. It's horrifying. I'm pro-choice but I'm also pro-taking-care-of-people-who-have-been-born-even-when-they're-inconvenient. I can't imagine entering in to an agreement like this without reconciling myself to the understanding that there's no way legally or ethically to force someone else to have an abortion, and

Because the parents' desire for an abortion is in direct conflict with the surrogate's right to bodily autonomy.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

Your posts make me laugh. The responses to your posts make me laugh. The responses to the responses make me laugh. You are part of the Pissing Contest landscape, god(s)/(ess) love ya.

He was also in About A Boy. I could watch that movie over and over again.

Wow, what great timing! I'm single again too!

Oh god! I do too! I thought it was only me or, like, super embarassing, because no one ever talks about it. My output has always been, shall we say, *robust*. I have completely given up trying to do anything about the stains.

She's anti-vaccine. Thatz not okay.

There are jokes on that show? When? Though I don't watch the show, I've watched some clips on YouTube, but never seen anything funny.

Well not necessarily sphagetti and meatballs, but not necessarily not spaghetti and meatballs either. I mean, man I really want some spaghetti and meatballs. I mean if I don't get some spaghetti and meatballs I could literally die.

Jesus, mother! What else was on the menu tonight? Sex under a hive of Africanized bees?!

I can only assume they haven't really been around any children for long periods of time? They cry, a LOT, and the best possible thing a parent can do is stay calm & let them express themselves. Since they're all claiming she's not being consoled I guess they mean she's not being held or hugged but she doesn't seem to

OMG I cried about everything. Ants dying. Trees losing their leaves and being cold outside in winter - I mean I used to stare at them through the window, sick with worry. I consider it the cutest thing about me as a kid, my existential sensitivity, I would LOVE to watch a couple videos of it in action, as real as

See, this is a weird variation on vanity sizing ... wanting mothers to believe their kid is advanced and fast-growing for his/her age and thus rarely does anything a manufacturer makes for X size range actually fit. Kinda twisted.

Hahahahahahaha! Kids cry about things like this like it's their job. Because it is. All damn day long. This is one hundred percent developmentally normal. And adorable.

Kids Have The Darndest Existential Fears?

You mean the most amazing, delicious smell in the world? What fools would mock you for smelling cookies, sunshine and a cool breeze? Jerks.

I don't like coconut and this 'trend' of using the oil as the be-all end-all cure for absolutely fucking everything under the sun is annoying as all hell.