
Stop thinking about your dick for two seconds.

I disagree - this is a moment that does need to be on social media.

I am sure I will be seeing coconut wallets soon. It will be tagged "steampunk".

Oh, Carl.... only he can make the idea of being stardust sound like the most calming and beautiful thing in the world.

"Well, seeing as there are many here who seem to not care for those fur-wearing, moose-cohabitating cryophiles to the north, may I suggest Weselton as an alternative for your next European getaway, hmm?

Oh my god how are you alive?!?!

So, this one time, my friends and I decide to take some powdered "mescaline." In retrospect, this probably wasn't mescaline. We ended up calling it the "research chemical."

Anyway, I am not sure why I reacted so powerfully to it while my friends didn't. I mean, they were definitely high, but I was in deep fucking

Sometimes when I smoke weed, I hallucinate that I go into hell and meet the actual devil and he threatens to keep my soul for all of eternity. It is very un-chill. The last time I attempted to get high, in my sophomore year of college, I was passed the eff out and my friend was trying to help me, and she later told me

You just described the 4th circle of hell.

I read about that on GOOP! The hot thing for summer is leaving your corporeal form behind to inhabit the spiritual plane!

This is classic projection. It's a well known industry "secret" that Brunetti has an abnormally large elbow and he's INCREDIBLY self-conscious about it. He often asks interns to refer to it as "Kristin Chenoweth." You can't NOT bump that thing.

Right, because only overweight people arm bash. Skinny people, however, are like ghosts that you can walk through.


I always found the eating habits of the Gilmore Girls completely fake. I don't think they ever had a meal without fries and pie.

Thanks for sharing your measurements! They are relevant!


I'm fine with blaming everyone but Martin. The show is starting to make the books look worse than they are, and I think it's noteworthy (and increasingly disturbing) that just about every time the show departs significantly from the books it's so they can add more heavily sexualized violence. I'm starting to get a

Please stop by and let us know when the threat of men dying violently comes close to the threat of women being raped.

Why does it bother you that people want to discuss things and what causes those things? Things don't happen in a vacuum. Is it wrong to discuss the roots of something? I didn't see anyone saying the show should be banned.

Translation: Criticizing things I like isn't allowed. Shut up and take it!