
Oh man, break out the popcorn gifs, ladies, because "natural childbirth" discussions ALWAYS go well

I seriously think people just get bored and start thinking about shit that doesn't matter. That's the only explanation I can think of for people who tell hundreds of years of modern medicine to fuck off.

This puts the "natural" in "natural selection!"

Ugh, as a woman who recently had to physically run away from a man I once loved and trusted to get out of a bad situation this shit is too real. This scene done well, don't get me wrong. Just too real. Most violence towards women isn't cinematic and obvious. It's this creeping slow car wreck that while it's happening

I couldn't help myself. I left her a message. All it said was that she has won a "shithead of the month" award. And yes, i do feel ashamed of myself right now but she is a nasty human being!

I am giving Louis CK the benefit of the doubt here. Based on past seasons and his own personal politics I have a feeling his character is about to learn something.

Yeah, that's the part that got people — the plausible science of the moment. Wasn't they cared about the character, wasn't that they empathized with his quest to avenge his sister and her children, wasn't the merciless death. Their only thought was, "Yep, that could totally happen."

Yes. We are the same person and this is some Orphan Black shit.

It's the weirdest thing, as my grandma's sight has deteriorated to the point to where I have to read the bill and calculate the tip, her tipping has dramatically improved. Must be a side effect from her medication...

Ugh, this reminds me of a time I overheard a co-worker talkinig about a bear that is used on the internet to lure kids pedophiles. She then showed me a picture of a was pedobear. I didn't even want to explain to her what a meme was

Y'all can keep your Cumberwhats and your Hiddlewhos. This dude right here is my imaginary boyfriend.

Out of curiosity, how many needy kids have you adopted?

As someone who did everything, no matter how crazy, in a 9-year useless run at trying to be fertile - give up all caffeine; don't exercise at too high a heart rate; and a bunch more stupid stuff like that - I also respect her for not changing her life for a "maybe". Cause nobody truly knows if gaining those 10lb would

I give giant props to Giuliana for being so open about infertility, and cancer. Especially when she said that the doctor told her that gaining 10lb would greatly improve her fertility, and that she felt she couldn't do that.

I've got the most slopin'-est shoulders east of the Mississippi and sorry but you're going to see some bra strap from me sometimes. My straps have two settings: worn really tight and almost at my neck, or falling off both shoulders. Or option 3: I wear no bra at all and everyone plotzes from shock that humans have

$4 covers farts and labor , doesn't it?

kill yourself.

Look at you, doing your small part to help the worthy veterans of this great nation.

This is totally going to turn into Penthouse Forum: Jezebel edition. And I am simultaneously filled with giddy excitement and abject dread.

I could actually get behind a place called The Sandwich's Coven but as a combination cafe + pagan shop complete with candles, ALL THE STONES/CRYSTALS, herbs, etc.