
I don't have Instagram and have never done the filter thing, but seriously give me a fucking break here. I certainly have done color correction on a washed out photo on my computer back in the day when I used a digital camera. To call doing a quick overall wash on the entire photo "photoshopping" is ridiculous.

Not much in the way of photoshopping. It was just filtered (and the eyes touched so they were not overly dark). The same picture could have been taken with a different camera filter. The reasoning, of course, is that the original was deemed too "washed out" for newspaper stand and design comfort. maybe one could

Look more like The Hound. But maybe I've just been watching too much GoT.

I love how well Brian took her reply. It's absurd to get mad because someone called out your BS, Andrew.

"tongue punch you in the fart box" is so awful and crass, but I am LAUGHING OUT LOUD. I LOVE this woman.

Picture hanging is a pain in the ass when you're trying to line up 4 frames in a square pattern exactly the right distance from each other. I'd rather chain saw a tree than hang pictures. Or wire my with cat6 Ethernet cable. But not sand. I hate sanding and the cleanup it involves.

I attempted to improve it. Whaddya think?

Christ, some people were clearly butthurt that they didn't have anything better to do for Easter!

"Don't make this about you" is great advice that applies almost all the time, yet seems to be harder and harder to grasp/follow. Seem to me like it's being replaced more and more by "I'm not fake so I'll do/say whatever/whenever". Oh god I'm an old.

Dear Isha,


That's called a False Dichotomy. There are actually other answers than that.

He had some great advice for the kids such as, "Drown your problems in alcohol and loose women," and, "If you've got to use force, divorce!"

Mmmm a biscuit sounds good right now. Would go great with this cheese n rice and mother's fudge.

I love cuddles and all, but when it's sleepytime? GTFOff.

Dr. Delilah MD?

This. I'm down with sharing in the things my friends are interested in, but give me an article I can read at my own fast pace, not a video that meanders around for a while before finally reaching the point.

If moms should be making over $100K then why are day care workers generally only paid a little over minimum wage? Never mind giving the shaft to single dads. And I think parenting is obviously hard but also a calling and a responsibility (or should be), not some job to eye roll and sigh over. And if you're going to

I have just flat out hidden Upworthy posts from my facebook for this very reason. Just tell me what the damn video is about or I'm moving on.