
I don't really believe in the moon. I call it mistake sun.

Team baby all the way.
I love animals; during many points in my less than ideal childhood they were my only friends. But you better believe that if one of my pets just snapped and went after my child I'm not going to turn around and leave the room to go get a spray bottle to see if that works first. Like wtf people??

Excuse me, but what the fuck is up with all the people jumping down this dude's throat for kicking a cat WHILE IT WAS ATTEMPTING TO MURDER HIS BABY.


All these fishing metaphors...

Oh Barb, Bill is never going to give you the priesthood. The only reason he asked you to pray for him was to placate you one last time.

Miss Hannigan should have been played by Megan Mullalley.

More like "terrortoma", am I right?

I tend to agree. My Barbie always played basketball or battled Skeletor, and now as a grownup I do neither.

Private animal rescue groups can be simply the worst bunch of people ever. When I was looking for a dog, I remember being asked really invasive questions about my reproductive future (like the next 10 years?!) because they didn't feel that I could have both children and a pet. I've heard of people being turned down

Guys, come on. Hospital births aren't evil and bad, they don't tie you to your back and slice your baby out while you aren't looking. I had a very nice delivery in a hospital attended by a CNM. I got to move around, no one pressured me into any drugs or interventions I didn't want. They were also very nice about

Actually, most maternity wards are on separate ventilation than the rest of the hospital.

I just think this whole thing is such a matrix of problems, it's not as simple as "people are stupid ha ha look at the stupid people." Where you live really determines what kind of care you're going to get at the hospitals available to you and there are still plenty of hospitals where birth is treated as a disease and

" more and more women choose to take control over their deliveries."

there. fixed it for you.

I can never read an article about this without mentioning my friend, Susan who lives in New Mexico. Healthy, beautiful Pilates instructor who was pregnant 16 years ago. Great pregnancy and all was well. She wanted a at home, water birth for her son. Midwife & spouse was there. Baby came out with umbilical cord

We really need a better system of certifying and regulating midwives in this country. Most CNMs are prohibited from attending homebirths by their insurance and other types of midwives are largely unregulated and that is terrifying.

It's a non-story until you're the naked fat girl.