
I'm a huge fan of Adele Dazim. She was great as Flagglebush in "Wicked", and her break out role as Monty in Rent defined my high school days.

Your brother sounds super fun.

Every single thing that went wrong tonight was because of Travolta's absurd and hideous toupee.

It is known.

I am partial to Buff-As-F*ck Hawaiian Jesus.

Can you imagine? "Say hello to your new baby brother."

"We are broken-hearted and we anticipate that we will continue to live in pain"

Or a lobotomy.

Maybe with enough retweets or dogedollars or whatever, we can get this guy to get a vasectomy.

I disagree. I'd like to hear positive story about labor or breastfeeding. I don't have kids and I'm terrified to have them BECAUSE of the awful labor/breastfeeding/baby stories that are everywhere. I realize motherhood is hell (my own mother told me that) and labor is painful, but Jesus Christ, I've never heard "my

Once you said "mr noodle" I imagined that guy from Elmo's world and immediately thought "that asshole can't do anything right"

Yes, also sandwiches have bread, bread is made out of flour, flour contains gluten and gluten is literary worse than Hitler. You might as well eat nuclear waste

This is very distressing news. Shaming formula feeding moms is my primary source for validating my choice to breast feed and causing stress and guilt for new mothers with my harsh judgements.

In a choice between breastmilk and formula, there are no bad choices, just good options.

As a scientist, I will go on record as saying that if you don't breastfeed, you are ruining your child's future. They will never accomplish anything substantial in their lives and you are LITERALLY HITLER.


Oh my.

I want that fucking cat. I want to smooch it and bite around its fat neck rolls, then I want to wash out the flavor with diet coke frost.

And he has that line of soft hair from his belly button to ... gotta go.