
Looking at the numbers in other terms ...

I love anything set to Benny Hill. I'd laugh at a funeral set to Benny Hill.

Having a baby at home seems really safe, but not as safe as having one in a hospital.

While the hellscape scenario you describe absolutely exists, it is not a forgone conclusion of a hospital birth. (For starters, the hospital can't compel you to be "hopped up on drugs"—sidebar, even medicated you're generally not "hopped up.") There have been really promising initiatives happening in the past few

Just one note of context that might be important in this discussion -

It is also important to note that MANA STATS data is entirely voluntary: they only provide information on about 30% of homebirths that occurred in the US during the study period. What this means is that any midwife who has a bad outcome can choose not to report it; the outcomes at homebirth may be far worse than the

cum and boogers have a really similar texture, actually. I don't know about flavor because if I've ever tasted a booger I have erased it from my memory.

That was a nice ad hominem attack; I especially like your repetition of the world "horrible" and your misunderstanding of the term "troll." But it tells us nothing about whether the linked article's argument was valid.

You've just ruined cum for everybody.

This is not a choice between a midwife and an OB-Gyn, this is a choice between home and hospital births. I had my son in a hospital, but my care giver was a Nurse Practitioner Midwife. She had a real degree and real training and years of experience. My prenatal care was excellent and the delivery was quick for a first

they haven't even confirmed it's a virus...and making fun of anti-vaxxers is ALWAYS appropriate.

Dear Parents,

Here is a photo from that party:

This is going to sound cold, but you have to break up with him. He is doing nothing to make himself better and he knows it. You are putting your energy into a lost cause, the good times are only for a few hours, you say. That is not enough. If you do break up, he may be motivated to get help or keep on his meds.

It's been so fascinating to watch all the remixed Frozen stuff spring up — my sister and I used to sit around and sing along with Disney movies but ~kids~today~ are on a whole other level.

The Church of Satan has a response to this case.

I heard a mom singing it with her kids at the mall the other day. The song is contagious.

I can't wait to go buy it. I went with a friend and saw it in the theater and I felt bad I didn't take my two year old. ( I have yet to take that leap with her) I have a feeling this movie will be on replay in my house for months.