
Rational, intelligent people can see that. Unfortunately rational, intelligent people are not the ones controlling laws. It's a sad state of affairs.

Unfortunately we seem to be running low on intelligent rational people these days, and therein lies the problem.

A good deal of the people not getting vaccinated are affluent dumbasses who don't want to risk their shitty precious special snowflake offspring with things they don't understand.

Great. So not only will I die by coughing up a lung, but I will have to die knowing that it's because some Portland hipster yuppie douchebag couldn't be arsed to take his daughter Cucumber to get a fucking pertussis shot between her unicycle and harpsichord lessons.

I'm writing this down for future use. THESE ARE MY WORDS NOW.

"If I wanted revenge, his house and yours would be aflame as I danced upon your corpses by now. I'm here because I am trying to follow the rule of law as a citizen. But, if door two is the only option..."

Yeah no shit!! And using the legal system to exact that justified revenge is the proper fucking way to go!! What? Is she supposed to take the law into her own hands? That's what you're encouraging by not taking her fucking seriously. Morons.

Then why are so many women here defending it? Why do so many women watch it? Is it because we're brainwashed by the patriarchy?

I had a similar boyfriend a few years ago. We would be in bed together in the morning, naked, and he would pull out his computer to watch porn and jack off but had no intention of including me at all. I was wide awake and we would be talking, so it's not like he was just passing some time while I was asleep. He

WTF is that child doing on a bus without an assistant or...some other person. Obviously the wrong bus, not that that excuses her slapping the child at all. But that's way more than a single bus driver should be expected to handle. I think all buses should have two adults on them. I know it's expensive, but it just

"the physical risks posed by hormonal birth control are still far less than the physical risks posed by pregnancy and childbirth."

This should be even-handed with no possibility of idiots taking it too far...

Well. That's a thing. I really don't know what to say about this.

I love hearing stories like yours. We live in Peru and I recently gave my 11-year-old the task of researching interesting places to visit in South America, to be able to contribute ideas for the next family vacation.

Immediately afterward a Republican used this as evidence that there was no climate change, just fucking Lucas Heeiberger and his goddamn ice cubes.

I think you mean

'Hello, doggie' still amazes me. That it was a line said in the movie, for chrissakes, not a riff.

Now playing

I fucking love this idea, I really do. For people who are not familiar, here are a few choice samples: