
Is it the girls bedroom that has really, really pale pink walls and flowy, white curtains ... It's just so dreamy.

The zoo couldn't send the giraffe to an unaccredited institution.

The only thing worse than tit itch, is vag itch then you are fucking doomed.

Remember when Knox never killed anyone and how it's glaringly obvious that there's no evidence that connects her to anything?

Women lose desire for their partners when said partners stop trying, don't respect them, don't contribute to the running of the household, don't show affection unless they want to get their dicks wet, etc. If you want your wife to fuck you, give her a reason to want to fuck you. Or you can just expect her to do it as

This is perhaps one of the best examples of how sexism hurts men as well as women. It assumes that a man doesn't spend time raising his own children.

So, if I read this correctly, I'm supposed to lift weights but not make faces while doing so? Sounds awesome, but I wonder how my fellow gym-goers will react to my psycho blank-faced stare plus terrifying constipated noises, which is the combination I see as the alternative to making weightlifting faces.

Phutt is hot. I'm in love with Phutt.

Bad energy there. Don't know what it is about that place. I'd rather hang out in Butte.

"I don't know if this is going to trick me into watching the Sochi Olympics...":

-Well, that's just like your opinion, man.

Sigh that's nice for her I guess. I was already fat at 14 weeks.

It's a true provable fact that months 14-24 are scientifically the cutest. Seriously my toddler (20 months) does at least one thing every day that I'm like OMG HOW IS THIS LITTLE PERSON REAL??!!

It's so cute I can even get past the fact that her parents thought it was a good idea to name her "Kayden."

He did look particularly baby-cheeked in that interview, huh? But it just made me want to take him home with me.

Have you actually seen him outside of a football game or are you basing this on one interview. Check out some other video of the guy. He's very well spoken, is by all accounts an excellent leader on the field and in the locker room and is very knowledgable about his craft. He had one emotional moment after he made a

Looks like the racists can't even find "scary black men" any more. Sherman's a geek. And as for Jamesis Winston who was accused of "not speaking English," I understood every word despite his pronounced regional accent.

I loved Sherman's comments a few days later when he called out all the "thug" commenters for just finding a new slipcover for the N word. He was 100% correct.

We deserve our swimsuit issue.

Wanna blow your dad's mind? Little pale baby in photo one, is the same baby as photo two with her very not pale dad, and grew up to be lady in photo three (its all me so it's not creepy). Skintones, they change! And black people can have pale babies. Or they can make babies with white people like I intend to do :)