
whatever, haters!! I am preg and it's nice seeing a little pregnant lady in GQ.

let's just give it a rest with the "granny panties" critique bullshit ok? it strikes me as really hypocritical that Jez is criticizing women for wearing comfortable underwear as opposed to butt floss based on...wait, what was the reasoning for that again? 10 points to Jez if they can explain without sounding like

OR... we could focus on the positive. Here is a guy, a professional NFLer, who could have very easily been a douchebag. Instead, he's in a photo spread with is lovely little wife, being all 'look at my hot little mama!' Go Eric Decker for recognizing, showing off, and otherwise celebrating his preggo wife in all her

I hate everything about these photos, but I quite like my granny panties. Full coverage, comfortable and when I bleed into them I can guiltlessly toss them. And I tend to not keep undies on during sexy times so it ain't no thang.

Ugh, that's the kind of stuff that belongs on You should submit it and people will rage on your behalf. Some parents are so sanctimonious, as if they're the only ones who've ever raised a kid before. No one has it as hard as they do.

Non-stupid, empath here - I wouldn't buy a house that feels haunted.

I always sort by hauntedness on Zillow.

In our last black peoples meeting we discussed kicking her out. It's a gonna be a fight but I'll keep on fighting cause I really hate that bitch....

Oh, look at that, the law firm's website has a "live chat" option....hmmm....


If Lena Dunham apologizes to Jessica for cutting in front of her in the bathroom line that one time, can we all move on?


Holy fucking YAWN.

Thank you for offering this opinion on your female pubic hair preferences. It is totally relevant and does not miss the entire point of the post at all.

I found an unretouched picture of the dog, please send $100 to me at Gawker.

Do not pass Go

She is just recycling, you guys.

You can have him, just get a shovel.

I was gonna say something all smart and serious, and then I see this. all I can think.