
Orange Tabby Is the New Black.

Why don't they keep them at the prison and let the inmates take care of them? I've heard other stories of prisons getting pets and it being very good therapy for the inmates by giving them responsibility for another life.

It's awesome.

Oh lordie lordie lordie lord.

"Are you licking me?"

For kicking a seat: yes. For other things: no. Kids really can't help some things and parents CANNOT control it. Doesn't mean they shouldn't TRY to minimize discomfort for others (both to be polite to fellow adults and to teach the kid how to behave in society), but, ya know, nitpicking here...

I have 5.5 month old that is sooo good I can take him almost anywhere. We go out to eat all the time, but not to a restaurant that costs $200, because 'what if'. Pay the $60 for a baby-sitter and let everyone enjoy their luxurious night out. It's not necessary to bring the baby.

"Dear Husband". Or as they say, sometimes it is "Darn Husband". And then add an LOL. Because they are being so sassy.

I think the child-free movement is in this nascent stage, and to prove its worth, many members feel the need to make the case really strongly that childfree women are discriminated against while denying that any discrimination exists against women with children. Just looking at the comments on this thread, it's clear

But those places are full of women who have Blingee and Ticker signatures! And who call their husbands "hubby" or "DH"!

Here's your gold star.

Can I come sit here? Because I am sick to fucking death of being told how stupid, worthless and planet-killing I am for having three kids. I am sick to death of condescending looks from people when I say my eldest is 10 and I'm 36. Yes, I had him at 25, I don't care that you think it's too young or you could barely

Damn, I am getting really sick of how anti-child this site can be. What did kids and parents ever do to deserve this shit? /sigh

I'm sure as a childless couple it is very obnoxious getting all the "You should have babies/would be happier with babies" statements from folks, but as a youngish mom who reads mostly feminist and the like material I feel like all I see is "We are so much better off with kids. See? Get it?"

You are not going to die. Talk to your doctor. It is normal to freak out ahead of time, but you will be just fine and you will cuddle two healthy babies. Congratulations!

I had twins too, fraternal and my second pregnancy so it was low risk, I'd done it before, take everything with that understnding.

The first thing I thought of when I saw JLaw's dress was the sheet Ariel wears when she washes up on the beach

The only thing I hated about pregnancy and motherhood is how it turned the worry center of my brain up to 1000. I guess it's nature's way to ensure survival of the species and all, but it makes me feel nuts at times. I had this thing where I'd wake up every night 20 minutes after falling asleep convinced that someone

Oh we all have have the ability, but I would MUCH rather watch when my friends, family and community (and favored web sites) are watching as well. You know, the whole water-cooler chat thing Plus, now I have something to look forward to in January, which is an otherwise sucky month.

Come on, people. Who starred the spam work-at-home comment?