
Good luck with the twinsies! April will be a big month for us both!

That's interesting! I've heard of a lot of pregnant women having meat aversions. The smell, the look, etc. As for myself, I have no aversion to anything yet, thankfully. All I ask for is a lot of variety of flavor- which is why I love sandwiches. (Deli meat, something I can't seem to give up...) The flavor

Not being a bitch here, but between 200-300 mg of caffeine during pregnancy has been deemed safe all but universally. Has your friend been given confirmation that it was definitely coffee? because that does (beg your pardon) sound really dubious to me.

I wasn't supposed to eat nuts? Oops. They seem ok.

I've fucking LIVED on apples with peanut butter this whole fricken pregnancy. No one has to tell me to eat nuts, that shit's delish. (Though if I had just eaten nuts I probably wouldn't have gotten knocked up in the first place, a-WINK.)

I think you're making sense.

Chiwetel Ejiofor can be my English muffin anyday.

"My family regularly has sex with pigs and has done so for many generations, therefore having sex with pigs is not a problem in any way and I will continue in the tradition of having sex with pigs because I've been around human-pig sex for YEARS."

She sounds nice and not at all crazy... sister just got engaged and of course plastered obligatory photos all over Facebook. I'll probably be getting engaged soon as well and I refuse to post photos of my ring online. Tacky, tacky, tacky. Can't wait to shut down anyone who asks me to post it on FB.

Good for you, Doug, for sticking with this "writing" thing. Lots of people would consider it a waste of money to pay someone as he slowly learns how to compose a comprehensible sentence and not confuse the readership with baffling attempts at humor, but Jezebel probably spins it as a charity tax write-off.

I knew RFID would be involved somehow. This is exactly it. Thank you.

Ohh congratulations on your twins!! They make it nuts, but it's such a unique experience.

Damn Lindy, Mr. Anderson sounds like a badass. My dreams are made of smugly out-witting a group of 9th-graders. Seriously.

This is actually becoming kind of moot. Episiotomes are getting much rarer and confined to cases where they are truly medically necessary. My midwife practice (certified nurse midwives operating inside a hospital, not hippies in a hemp field) and their supervisory OBs had as their standard of care to not do episiotome

Can we all take a vote or call for a moratorium on the "your imaginary boyfriend" or "your new bff"? M'kay? Thanks.

The idea of Promise Rings is one of the most disgusting, pedophiliac, Lolita-esque, revolting, uuuuggggghhhhhh-inducing, shuddering, baaaaaarfing, awful, condescending, controlling, misogynistic, ...There are so many words to describe it, and I feel like this isn't enough. Miss Scarlet does not approve.

Ah yes, a ring in the shape of you-know-what when it splats on a tummy.