
That is terrible. I hope he is okay with it.. shit, I didn't talk to my dad for only one year and that managed to seriously fuck me up, so I can't even imagine what that's like for him. :(

DAMN. That sounds awful for your husband :(. Well, that tenet makes a lot of sense for why I've never met one.

OK, terribly timed, embarrassing execution. But can we at least take a moment and be thankful that EVEN THESE MORONS are able to to address their anti-rape message TO MEN? I know I'm grading on a curve here, but "Don't think you can take what you want because you want it" really speaks to rape culture. Maybe we're

Unless you specifically tell your kids that there's something wrong about the sign, they won't know. And have no reason to imitate it.

I DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND. Who even has the GALL to ask a stupid question like that?! Like, in any case? I don't care if it's an elephant walking a set of twin poodles, who the fuck even has that moment where their brain is like "you know what is a good idea? asking this dumbass question." Are people that much of a

I figured this would be a safe place to share this, and one where people were likely to really think it out even if they had an unfavorable initial reaction. I agree that it's important people hear stories like mine. There's a whole lot of variance in so many parts of our lives that gets routinely overlooked.

It must have been hard for you to overcome all those years of white oppression. Must have been tough.

Ah yes, I just thought to myself

"You know what I'm getting too much of? Sleep. Too much sleep. I wish someone would post a picture from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark completely without warning to let me relive all my childhood nightmares"


what did one magnet say to the other magnet?

Are you some kind of puppy communist? THANKS, OBAMA.


YES THANK YOU. Mr. Corgi is always why are you crying, it's not THAT sad, and I'm like DO YOU NOT HAVE A HEART???

HOLY SHIT, I swear that it is the single saddest scene ever made. I am tearing up just thinking about it.

The only places I want to see boobies are in advertising, in the titty bar, in movies, in music videos, in video games, in email forwards from my friends, in the porn I habitually download, in the porn sent to my spam folder, in magazines, on nearly every website, in my dreams/fantasies, and alongside the articles in

They both look like police composites. I'm terrified.

the blonde looks like she'd be a z-list model/actress who's biggest roles to date have been a smirnoff commercial and a short scene in a michael bay film (background stripper #7.)

Is mentioning how freaky a composite person looks body-snarking?

He's a power-bottom!

Well good. I can go back to thinking of Damian Lewis as horrible Soames Forsyte again. No more cognitive dissonance.

I can't believe someone snapped a pic of me when I was up with the baby 100 TIMES last night. Must have been too tired to notice.