
Part of the anger stems from the showrunners treating her like crap. They didn’t invite her to do season 2 DVD commentary (but they did invite her co-star), they sidelined her character a ridiculous amount for no reason except to push a paper thin characterization of a white woman damsel in distress to the forefront

It’s kind of like how some people want to climb some really high, scary mountain or sky dive or base jump or something? Like, I can’t really fully empathize with wanting to do those things because to me they sound physically grueling and terrifying, but I can imagine that it’s a unique experience that you just can’t

Ha, I just bought that album too for the same reasons!

It took a bit of digging to find the why! “. . .this emerging adaptive generation will be known as the “Pluralist Generation” and its members as “Plurals,” reflecting the overwhelmingly distinguishing demographic of American’s newest generation — its ethnic, racial, and religious diversity. . .” apparently! http://www.

I’ve seen “Plurals” around more and more often in news stories, etc.

I’m 30 too and I think we’re technically some of the oldest millennials.

I’ve seen “Plurals” bandied about quite a lot, but I’m not sure if it has staying power just yet.

He’s unapologetically used the insult “mongs” (as in Mongoloid, as in a slightly archaic/British version of “retard”). I don’t read a lot about him because he generally annoys the hell out of me, but that thing sticks out in my memory.

It’s on the young side for sure. He was actually 2 at diagnosis. Type 1 is on the rise big time though, so it’s becoming more common. :/ Crazy coincidence that you know so many.

Yes! This works well. If I’m not in the mood for a bunch of chit chat, the inevitable “how are you today” can segue into, “Oh, it’s been a crazy week. I’m really looking forward to having a little quiet me time at last!”

My 3-year-old has T1D and sometimes when he’s being an ornery little shit about eating his low Smarties, I just grumble, “Drank yer JOOSE SHELBY.” He just looks at me like I’m crazy, which, kinda.

Oh my god, I have laugh tears in my eyes. I mean the mispronunciations wouldn’t be such a big deal if she wasn’t correcting other people. Bahaha.

Ha, I totally make this for my 3-year-old. A tablespoon of coffee at most, a big glop of heavy whipping cream, and some liquid stevia drops. He thinks he’s such big britches when he has it. “I like my yellow coffee Mommy!” What a dork. ;)

I was just thinking of that one! It’s one of the ones that really stuck with me.

Yeah, I just CAN’T deal with this stuff and it’s kind of disappointing this time of year. My little sister (adult but developmentally delayed) was getting all psyched about doing a scary costume for her Halloween party. I kept trying to tell her I didn’t like scary stuff and then she’s all, “I’m gonna do this for my

Yeah, I was thinking it might be a bit young, but I might try a modified version, like stay in your room until the next meal or something. Thanks! A+ parenting tip.

When did you start using this system? Seriously considering it for my 3-year-old. He’s a good kid overall and a very sweet boy, but man is 3 challenging and this whole 3 minute time out thing is okay but not great.

Maybe I’ll take my chances sometime. >< They’re really in no danger, especially with the car locked and chilly temps. Maybe I’ll be brave. :)

Honestly, I’ve begun to think it’s a large minority who actually think kids need to be helicoptered, and then the rest of us have to fall in line because of the immense peer pressure and constant threat of someone calling CPS because our kids walked themselves six blocks to school or whatever. In fact the other day