
Those beautiful virgin notebooks with the jewel-toned covers that Mom got for ten cents each at the back-to-school sales....

Warsh-ing-ton, Or-eh-gawn, and Will-UH-metty, right? ;)

As if the guy running and carrying a kid isn’t potentially a single father and without a doubt now unemployed...AND A HOMELESS WAR REFUGEE. She’s an awful human being.

The Pacific Northwest was unseasonably fucking horrible this year, agreed. Thank goodness for rain and gray skies again!

I get some pretty intense summer reverse SAD stuff going on, and fall makes me so goddamn happy. It rained a bunch yesterday and I wanted to happy cry!

Lawns are so fucking boring anyway. Like sure, have some grass so your kids/pets can play, I get that. That’s the only reason I have any grass at all. But beyond that small bit you need, why not xeriscape? Then again I’m in Portland, and pretty much no one waters their lawns. They just dry out over the summer and perk


I mean I know when I have to be away from home, I just leave my kids in dog crates with bread crusts and a sippy cup of water. She probs just gets mani-pedis and margaritas for that extravagant 18 hours a week of childcare. No but seriously, what is your problem with someone hiring childcare so they can make a living?

Oh I’m SO glad I’m not alone. Like yes, that stuff needs to get done, but right now while I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off? Plus let’s be real, one big task (like sitting down and paying all the bills) can be way easier/less exhausting than trying to do 10 different jobs in 30 minutes before

Mr. Water was born in late 1970s and I was born in the mid 1980s and he definitely leans more towards my generation (old Millennial?) than Gen X. There’s a little muddying of the waters in that time period in terms of generational divide, which is probably true of all those kinds of generational cusps.

Totally. Anything that makes blood sugar unstable is so scary. :(

My 3-year-old is diabetic, and when he has a nasty low and I have to convince him to take a glucose tab...hoo boy. Unreal.

Toddlers can get picky at the drop of a hat sometimes. It’s actually a leftover primate survival mechanism. HOWEVER, it’s all about how the parent handles it. My 3-year-old will sometimes only want to eat ONE THING for a few days, and gets pissy when he can’t have it. If he tells me he’s hungry, I say, “You can have

I got over it. :) I have 3 kids now myself and all were happily formula fed starting about two days after that comment in 2012. ;)

Don’t worry, I did! I’m cracking up b/c I keep getting comments on this three and a half year old comment...this article must have popped up again somehow/somewhere? I switched to full-time formula two days after this and never looked back. And I went on to formula feed two more babies after that. Yay formula! :)

I made this comment in March 2012, and the years DO go by quickly. Thank you for the sweet comment. <3 He’s 3.5 now! He managed just fine with formula. :)

Haha, did this article get reposted or something? I’m suddenly getting a bunch of replies to my comment...which is over 3 years old. I’ve got three happy formula-fed kiddos, all past typical breastfeeding age. ;) That was a very sweet, encouraging comment though. <3

Neither are contraceptives or euthanasia.

Yeah, well, maybe if you experienced the intense anguish of years of infertility, you would “see the need for them”. Try empathy just for novelty’s sake or whatever.