
And I just wanted to say that I don't think parents of one aren't "real" parents or don't work hard or should be perfectly together or whatever! I know it's not easy of course.

"Her kid"

I'm a SAHM but my son started just...not sleeping anymore. Up all night, repeatedly. It was a sleep regression but it just would not end for some reason. I kept trying to play with him and would fall asleep on the floor. On the couch. Sitting up feeding him in his high chair. Very safe situation, obviously! Meanwhile

You could not get a shittier source for any parenting argument than Darcia Narvaez. Just saying. She's biased as shit.

The nice thing is that you never have to see the needle, and they give you a numbing shot before the big needle, so it's not quite as scary as you might expect. I'm not needlephobic but you best believe I did NOT try to see the needle for my spinal. Ignorance is bliss.

I was gonna say...

Kirkland is really high-end stuff for the most part. I've yet to try a Kirkland product I didn't like. Costco is a huge stickler for quality. (Also they have tons of other awesome qualities - treat their workers well, do some cool environmental stuff, etc)

I'd just gone through a horrific breakup after moving in with the guy a few months prior, and the only roommate I could find quickly in my budget lived literally across the hall from him. One day I'd overslept because I was so fucking depressed over everything, so I dragged my ass to my bus stop. It was miserably

I had a bat in my house a couple weeks ago (got in through the bathroom window, I'm guessing chased a bug through it and then was like wtf just happened? Where am I?). I LOVE bats but I would much rather have five non-venomous spiders in my house than a fucking bat. Do you know their wings are virtually silent? Like

fucking house centipedes are the stuff of FUCKING NIGHTMARES ASLD;KFJALSDKJFLAKJSDLKFJ. I'm traumatized by spending my teenage years living in the basement (a very nice, renovated basement, but not fully de-bug-ified as it were). My sister and I would find those fuckers trapped in the bathroom sink, unable to escape,

I have those doorknob cover lock things EVERYWHERE. Hoping my wee lad doesn't figure THOSE out anytime soon...

Actually I'm afraid of letting my children do anything because I'm so afraid of fucking busybodies calling the cops on me for letting my kids walk three blocks to the goddamn park and play for a couple hours. I mean my children are not old enough yet for that anyway, given that 2/3 of them can't even walk yet, but I'd

Yeah, some tiny bit of milk hangs out in the little spout, which is annoying, but at least there are no more milk disasters...good luck. :)

Have you tried the Munchkin brand? Because those are the only ones that work for my wee lad. They're pretty great.

I dunno, I watch a lot of ASMR videos and many of them have very nice, friendly comment sections...although admittedly they do get their own share of fuckery at times.

It's like that Victorian porn where they've used old-timey editing skills to remove evidence the women's nipples to hilarious effect.

In my experience, the more a person says "mah chy-uuuuld", the bigger of an asshole they turn out to be.

Great tip, thank you!

Yes, I've always had the best luck just calling one of the better-rated local places on Yelp and telling them something like, "Just do something contemporary looking with the freshest seasonal flowers you've got. My budget is $X. Thanks!" Totally get my money's worth that way.

you're a liar.