
Well Strawberries Romanoff is pretty yummy and involves sour cream, but on its own that sounds fucking awful.

We had moose watch every morning on our way out to the car. If there was a moose nearby, we had to wait it out (or if it was deemed sufficiently far away we would just sprint like hell for the car). Non-moose-experienced people don't quite grasp that moose are some scary-ass motherfuckers.

Growing up right in the heart of Anchorage I saw moose moving through our backyard several times a year. Not sure if they would get so close when they had babies with them, but I s'pose it's possible.

Do your friends sue and swindle the people they're close to at the drop of a hat?

Oh lord. That sounds awful. What a strange, strange man. That set of Google searches is unbelievable. D:

I've literally never eaten KFC without having food poisoning afterwards.

Great story, but I have to DID you find out about said baby? (And omg talk about a horrible way to find out your boyfriend has cheated on

Just wanted to clarify that I thought BCR was reputable but apparently there has been some sketchiness in later years, whoops. Their videos are way cute so that's too bad.

Basically the same genetic mutation that causes the cartilage in their ears to crinkle can cause the cartilage in other parts of their bodies (joints etc) to fuck up, too, and it can be extremely painful for the cat. And yeah, unfortunately any time you are breeding for a certain look you're gonna have these kinds of

Now playing

In the same vein, you might enjoy this one from a very reputable cat rescue:

Scottish folds are ridiculously cute but I wish people would stop buying them. :(

I ended up having to take insulin for gestational diabetes (for like 6 months, ugh), and after injecting myself 4x/day x 6 months it's just like "eh, whatevs". But before that, yeah, I didn't like to look.

Also because we all know a British accent in a dark purr = sophisticated villain. It's science.

I played it on an emulator on my husband's computer just a few years ago (and I gamed quite frequently at the time, so I definitely had the relevant "skills"), and damn if it wasn't still hard as shit.

Also that lip color is perfection! The hair is lovely as well, and the earrings don't compete with the other dramatic elements which is really smart.

She's so great on OITNB, especially the second season! And she's beautiful even in prison duds, although she cleans up realllly well.

It would definitely be considered a "natural" look, haha. Takes almost as much makeup as a Kardashian look, but it's definitely a different vibe. She does have very lovely makeup though! And of course she has a pretty flawless face to begin with.

Right? That blush perfectly placed right above her dimples and that wine lip...and the eyebrows! And the eyeliner. Shit, all of it. And the hair. And the dress. Seriously she is kind of unbearably beautiful here.

It gives the appearance of the biggest cameltoe in history. Yikes.

It's been EIGHT MONTHS? Jesus tapdancing Christ. You're a saint. Personally I think you need to be blunt with her. Tell her the FB stalking is unhealthy and triggering for her and she needs to stop doing it - or at the very least stop telling you about it. Tell her that you care about her, but that you need to draw